CHENNAI: The suburban police on Monday arrested an auto driver for reportedly murdering his wife by setting her on fire at Thiruverkadu on Sunday night. Venketesh (35) of Shastri Street, Ayyanambakkam, Thiruverkadu, was arrested for allegedly setting his wife Maheshwari (30) on fire and killing her.Police said the couple had a tiff on Sunday night over Venketesh’s drinking habit, after the auto driver returned home in an inebriated state.He had bought groceries and kerosene home when Maheshwari reportedly began arguing with him for getting drunk.The couple fought throughout the night and at one point, came out on the streets fighting, when Venketesh reportedly doused his wife with kerosene and set her on fire.By the time neighbours could come to her rescue, Venketesh fled the spot. Maheswari was admitted to a hospital, where she succumbed to her injuries. Soon, police nabbed Venketesh at Poonamallee. Police said the couple got married 15 years ago after a love affair, and had two children. Sources said Venketesh was a habitual drinker and lost his auto to his financiers as he failed to repay his dues. Also, he had borrowed money from many people in the area. Since, he could repay the money he had borrowed, the family moved to Thiruverkadu.
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