HYDERABAD: Visitors eager to watch the Indian rhinoceros which arrived at the Nehru Zoological Park are in for a disappointment.The pair of Indian rhinoceros which arrived on Wednesday morning will be off-display for a week as they are under stress due to the 1,700-km journey from the Patna zoo.“The rhinos arrived early on Wednesday morning. Zoo officials and veterinary doctors have checked the health condition of the rhinos immediately after their arrival and fed them vegetables,” said Dr MA Hakeem, assistant director (veterinary) of the Nehru zoo.“We have arranged grass, twigs, shoots, wheat, lentils, potatoes, etc for the rhinos to eat so they get energy,” he added.However, officials have decided to give them rest for a week as the rhinos are under stress due to a long journey.A 7-year-old male and a 5-year-old female rhino, each weighing over a tonne, were brought to the zoo to encourage breeding.As they are very young and energetic, they will recover from the stress as soon as possible, Hakim said.The pair of Indian rhinoceros were brought from the Sanjay Gandhi Biological Park in Patna as we have had no rhinoceros here in the past 10 years, he saidThey were exchanged for a pair of Asiatic lions and a pair of Royal Bengal tigers and a yellow tiger.
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