ISRO's Third Launch Within a Month – GSAT-17 From French Guiana
ISRO's Third Launch Within a Month – GSAT-17 From French Guiana
The GSAT-17 is a communication satellite configured around I-3K extended bus with a lift-off mass of about 3,477 kg

New Delhi: The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) is set to launch its GSAT-17 communication satellite from French Guiana on Thursday at 2:29 am. This is the third launch by ISRO is less than a month’s time.

The GSAT-17 is scheduled to lift off on-board Ariane-5 launch vehicle from the Guiana Space Centre in Kourou, French Guiana.

According to ISRO, the GSAT-17 is a communication satellite configured around I-3K extended bus with a lift-off mass of about 3,477 kg.

GSAT-17 carries Payloads in Normal C-band, Extended C-band and S-band to provide various communication services. GSAT-17 also carries equipment for meteorological data relay and satellite based search and rescue services being provided by earlier INSAT satellites.

On June 23, the ISRO’s Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV-C38) successfully took off on its 40th flight and is carrying the Cartosat-2 series satellite along with 30 co-passenger nano satellites from Sriharikota in Andhra Pradesh.

The PSLV-C38 launched with the 712 kg Cartosat-2 series satellite for earth observation and 30 co-passenger nano satellites together weighing about 243 kg at lift-off into a 505 km polar Sun Synchronous Orbit (SSO) at 09:29 am on Friday, ISRO said.

In January, ISRO and French Space agency (CNES) signed a partnership agreement in satellite launch technology.

The agreement was signed between ISRO Chairman Kiran Kumar and CNES President Jean-Yves Le Gall in the presence of visiting French Minister of Foreign Affairs Jean-Marc Ayrault in Bengaluru.

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