Inhuman dog hunt irks animal lovers
Inhuman dog hunt irks animal lovers
Even healthy dogs are being captured and killed in Bangalore. Harmless puppies are left to die in vans without food or water.

New Delhi: The killing of stray dogs in Bangalore has found its echo in the capital with animal lovers taking out a protest march against the "inhuman drive" in the tech-city.

Reports of mass indiscriminate killing of dogs disturbed residents who cared about animal welfare.

It has even prompted the Governor of the state T N Chaturvedi to write to the chief minister asking for a scientific approach towards dealing with the situation, rather than what he described as a knee jerk reaction and saying that all life was precious.

SMSes and e-mails have been doing the rounds, talking of inhumane large scale culling.

A group of animal lovers joined by those from Bangalore protested against the drive and displayed video footage and pictures which depicted the "inhuman nature" of drive.

"Look at the inhuman way dogs are being slaughtered. Killing them is not the solution. The corporation should initiate mass sterilisation and vaccination," said Parveen Talha, a UPSC member.

"We want the Bangalore Municipal Corporation to immediately stop the operation and release the nearly 200 dogs from its captivity. We are going through hell every day with the corporation taking away even domesticated dogs," said Jayshree M, a Bangalore resident.

The Karnataka government has ordered the killing of stray dogs after two children lost lives after dogs attacked them, sparking protests by the people.

As part of the drive to curb the menace posed by stray dogs, 30 vehicles with dog squads have been deployed across Bangalore.

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