India offers to train judicial officers of Maldives
India offers to train judicial officers of Maldives
Maldives is setting up a judicial training academy in Villingili, a nearby island from Male.

New Delhi: India on Sunday night offered to train judges and judicial officials from the Maldives in formulation of rules and regulations. This was conveyed by External Affairs Minister Salman Khurshid to the Chief Justice of Maldives Ahmed Faiz Hussain, who is on a five-day visit to India.

Hussain is in New Delhi at the invitation of the Chief Justice of India Altmas Kabir and will participate in a Roundtable discussion with the CJI and other Supreme Court judges.

The Roundtable will also be attended by Law Minister Kapil Sibal and Khurshid.

On a maiden visit to India, Hussain will also travel to Bhopal to understand the functioning of the National Judicial Academy.

Maldives is setting up a judicial training academy in Villingili, a nearby island from Male and India has offered assistance in strengthening of the institution and establish linkages between National Judicial Academy in Bhopal.

Khurshid hosted a dinner in the honour of Hussain tonight where he said that India was privileged to work closely and partner the people of Maldives in their nation building efforts.

Maldives adopted a new Constitution in 2008 and witnessed the first multi-party Parliamentary elections in 2009 and subsequent polls for the City, Atoll and Island Councils sowing seeds of democracy and decentralisation.

Khurshid noted that Maldives had undertaken reforms necessary for the independent functioning of the judiciary and other organs of the state. Maldives is poised to hold the second Presidential elections in September.

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