How To Unwind Before Your R-E-S-U-L-T-S!
 How To Unwind Before Your R-E-S-U-L-T-S!
School is out here are some things that you can do in your summer vacations.

Green days, blue days or orange days. Each of these colours can be linked to school.

But now that school is out, and the holidays are here, we bring you a rainbow of colourful things to do this holiday season. Take your pick!

Holiday Activity 1: Read

A book is always a good escape from your usual chores. Besides , it's one way to discover sounds, secrets and places. Here's how to get started!

  • Select a book. Don’t shy away from comics. They are addictive but also, a good start into the world of books.
  • Join a book club or reading group. Once you finish reading a book, share your views with your friends. If you can't find a reading group, don’t postpone the exercise. Kickstart your own group within your friend circle or classmates! You may soon turn into a bookworm.
  • Visit your neighborhood library. Have a chat with the librarian about your interests and ask him or her to recommend a suitable book for you. If you can't locate a library, visit a bookstore. For a beginner, it's a good idea to buy a book. Once done, you can dive in a sea of words -- at your own pace.
  • What do YOU plan to do this holiday season? Suggest a book, activity or workshop!

On the bookshelf

Besides reading old favourites like Enid Blyton, Agatha Christie and Sherlock Holmes, here are some good book titles that will nudge you in the right direction.

  • The Incredible Adventures of Professor Shonku by Satyajit Ray. A fun read.
  • Talk Of The Town: Stories of 12 Indian Cities Edited by Jerry Pinto, Rahul Srivastava. Take a magical tour of 12 cities in India.
  • Get Smart! Study Smarter by Anitha Bennett. A practical and smart hand book for all students.
  • Creation Stories by Santhini Govindan.
  • Ruskin Bond’s Book of Humour. This one will make you smile!
  • And finally, a book that has the answers to many questions -- The Know of Things -- by quizmaster Derek O'brien (TV show Bournvita Quiz Contest).


Holiday Activity 2: Go Camping

It's one of the most thrilling experiences of a lifetime. So, unleash the adventure in you -- in the wilderness -- by joining a professional adventure club like Youreka, which organises activities, regularly.

You have plenty of options to choose from, from riding the rapids to trekking the trails! In fact, some summer camps even cover activities like photography, first-aid etc.

A trek is also a good idea, because there's the best way to know a place is on foot. If you are ready to bare the sweat in the adventure, get your guide and backpack ready. It’s a fun way to diffuse all that 'results' stress.

Holiday Activity 3: Get Fit!

Cultivating good eating habits and sincere workouts can keep the doctor (and stress!) away. Also, quit fantasising about all that junk food and say goodbye to cushiony couches, and too much TV. We recommend two holiday sports:

Cycling: Some cycle companies like TICycles actually offer cycles on hire, and have groups in different cities.

Swimming: Staying afloat with this refreshing activity is a relaxing way to get fit.

Holiday Activity 4: Join A Personality Development Workshop

The ‘competition’ can be quite nerving. So, what will give you that extra edge? Well, your personality speaks a lot about you. This is the ideal time to join a personality development workshop, and improves your's!

Companies like Buoyancee train students across schools and colleges, and have a good track record in bringing their best to the fore. Located in the heart of Bangalore, it broadly focuses on planning studies, concentration skills and memory techniques to help you deal with the truths and dares of life.

The British Council organises storytelling and poetry writing workshops, regularly. Check in with the BC in your city or town.

The India Habitat Centre in New Delhi organises personality development workshops from time to time.


Holiday Activity 4: Cultivate A Hobby

Besides, regular school everyone needs something else to inspire them, and holidays are the perfect time to get started! If you have been wailing on your drum, or doing something excessively joyous like learning a dance, you are going well.

The bottomline: learn something new, so, your batteries are fully charged. You never know; a hobby can turn into a passion, which in turn can make you a fortune. There are plenty of option choose from.

Sports: Don’t stretch, yawn or doze under the shower. Unbound your passion for sports. Sites like Sports-India and Yas provide lots of information on sporting careers.

Music: Catch all the latest in the Indian Music Industry. And if this is not enough, take classes, enter competitions, and fill in entries for troupes. But don’t miss out on practice. Perseverance pays.

Dance: The mantra: get fit and have fun! The Danceworx Performing Arts Academy set up by choreographer Ashley Lobo, the Academy believes in the” You can Dance” philosophy. It’s no rocket science! Also, check out the Raack Academy of Dance is Star Vijay’s official dance school. On record, it has produced many successful performers.

Languages: Expand your world by learning French, German or even Spanish. Max Mueller Bhawan holds summer courses in German Language. And spread across the country, Alliance Francaise offers various short-term and long-term courses in French.

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