Aries: (March 21- April 19)
You will be rising above your emotional fears today and embracing your past experiences for what they have taught you. On the work front you will become influential among your colleagues. Your inputs will be much appreciated.
Lucky number – 1, 8
Lucky colour – Red
Lucky Alphabet – A, L, E
Rashi lord – Mangal
Taurus: (April 20- May 20)
You may be choosing to walk away from a work situation that no longer serves your purpose. However, financially you will be receiving some benefits.
Lucky number – 2, 7
Lucky colour – White
Lucky Alphabet – Ba, Va, U
Rashi lord – Shukra (Venus)
Gemini: (May 21- June 20)
If there have been some not so good patterns in your romantic relationships from your side, then today is the day when you realise that you have to mend your ways. You will be working on your personality and making some positive changes.
Lucky number – 3, 6
Lucky colour – Yellow
Lucky Alphabet – Ka, Chha, Gha
Rashi lord – Mercury
Cancer: (June 21- July 22)
Before you start investing in a new romantic relationship, the planets want you to release your emotional baggage that you have been carrying from past relationships.
Lucky number – 4
Lucky colour – Milky
Lucky Alphabet – Da, Ha
Rashi lord – Moon
Leo: (July 23- August 23)
You may be required to reconsider your career path that you wish to pursue. Take a deep dive into what it is that you truly want. Friends and new partnerships may present some new perspectives.
Lucky number – 5
Lucky colour – Golden
Lucky Alphabet – Ma, Ta
Rashi lord – Sun
Virgo: (August 23- September 22)
You will be receiving some good news regarding your career provided you are willing to make some necessary changes. Do what you feel would bring you satisfaction.
Lucky number – 3, 8
Lucky colour – Green
Lucky Alphabet – Pa, Tha, Na
Rashi lord – Mercury
Libra: (September 23- October 22)
For some of you, a romantic relationship is blooming, but before you fully commit make sure you leave your past bad behaviours behind. New projects and travel opportunities may come your way.
Lucky number – 2, 7
Lucky colour – White
Lucky Alphabet – Ra, Ta
Rashi lord – Venus
Scorpio: (October 23- November 21)
You may be facing some obstacles in your romantic relationships, but there is a lesson to learn from each of these hurdles.You may also be signing a new deal or attracting new opportunities regarding money, creativity.
Lucky number – 1, 8
Lucky colour – Red
Lucky Alphabet – Na, Ya
Rashi lord – Mars
Sagittarius: (November 22- December 21)
A little introspection may help you realise what mental blockages are preventing you from performing well in your work front. Be prepared to face any sudden changes and adapt accordingly.
Lucky number – 9, 12
Lucky colour – Yellow
Lucky Alphabet – Bha, Dha, Pha, Dha
Rashi lord – Jupiter
Capricorn: (December 22- January 19)
You have to make peace with yourself first before you can attract anyone else in your life. Treat yourself kindly. On the work front, you will be facing a smooth path to success.
Lucky number – 10, 11
Lucky colour – Cyan
Lucky Alphabet – Kha, Ja
Rashi lord – Saturn
Aquarius: (January 20- February 18)
In the past few days you have learnt a lot about yourself and reached a certain level of self-awareness. Now it is time you look at your surroundings, you family and see what is hindering your growth.
Lucky number – 10, 11
Lucky colour – Cyan
Lucky Alphabet – Ga, Sa, Sha, Sh
Rashi lord – Saturn
Pisces: (February 19- March 20)
Some deep conversations with family or friends will help you release an emotional burden you have been carrying for a long time. Keep working on that secret project, nobody has to know until the time comes.
Lucky number – 9, 12
Lucky colour – Yellow
Lucky Alphabet – Da, Cha, Jha, Tha
Rashi lord – Jupiter
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