Homage in Poetry: A princess among the despots
Homage in Poetry: A princess among the despots
There has been an outpouring of emotions on IBNLive.com for Benazir.

New Delhi: There has been an outpouring of emotions on IBNLive.com in the form of written tributes and lighting of candles in memory of former Pakistani prime minister and popular Opposition leader Benazir Bhutto.

IBNlive has received hundreds of written tributes and several hundred candles have been lit in memory of the charming Pakistani leader.

Here are two poems written in her memory by IBNLive readers.

A poem by Ramadas Shanmugam

Of noble line was a princess born

A childhood of loss and pain she borne

The father killed by a despotic fiend

To amaze the power of the land

And then she took upon herself the deed

And brought in the whiff of democracy indeed

New despots did not let her lead

A nation built on hatred and religious creed

And now the time had come for her

To fight tyranny and fear

But lo behold the will of God

Has taken her away to heavenly abode

What holds the future for the land of the pure?

Can we, the other twin, help find a cure?

Against terror and tyranny should we fight

Reclaim peace and prosperity as our right

Cleanse our Indus lands of hatred in toto

Long Live Benazir Bhutto!

Next: Goes out another light


Goes out another light

By Rajan G Verma

In this battle of ups and downs

To be the numero uno

Amongst unknown, unseen

Yet black minds

Has fallen another bright life


A life that kindled many a hope

In the millions of hearts

In the land that calls itself ‘pak’

Has gone out another light

That promised democracy

And freedom to live without fear

With another chance to redeem itself


The nation that tore itself from ‘us’

Is in a shambles today

It’s all dark n awful around

With no sign of light

‘Our’ hearts cry for our brethren there

Who have lost another promising soul


A nation mourns its daughter’s death

Whilst ‘we’ cry for another chance gone

To bring our souls together

To knit that compassion

To make us one together

The Benazir exists no more


Goes out another light

Leaving no hope in sight

We continue to fight

The unknown might

Will we ever be able to set

This wrong, right?

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