CRPF to get 50 more battalions by 2019
CRPF to get 50 more battalions by 2019
CHENNAI: The Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) is preparing a new strategy to train its troops to counter threats from various t..

CHENNAI: The Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) is preparing a new strategy to train its troops to counter threats from various theatres of conflict, CRPF inspector general of police (training) T Chanrasekhharan said on Monday.Speaking to Express after the passing-out-cum-attestation parade of newly recruited constables in the city, Chandrasekharan said the CRPF was set to follow a new training policy introduced by its Director General K Vijay Kumar. This included making the forces specialise in various theatres of conflict, including Jammu and Kashmir, the North East and states hit by Naxalite activities. Chandrasekharan said that by 2019, another 50 battalions would be added to the CRPF. The strength of the force would thereby be increased by three lakh personnel. The force has about 228 battalions at present.“By April 2012, we will be having another five battalions, one corp centre and one DIG range office. We also plan to add five battalions every year and one DIG office,” the senior officer said. The police force, which deals with internal armed conflicts, faces a shortage of officers because of a tough selection process and attractive career options elsewhere. Chandrasekharan said the CRPF is short by 15 to 20 per cent in terms of officers. The police force has also plans to upgrade its weapon systems with unmanned aerial vehicles within three to four months. Trials are underway, said Chandrasekharan, adding the CRPF would soon have airfield ground lighting equipment and anti-mine vehicles as well. Though there are no plans to acquire helicopters, the CRPF is gearing up for air-drop operations, he said. At present, COBRAS, its elite commando wing, is undergoing air-drop training while the CRPF air wing will provide support. There are plans to decentralise its units.

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