Crimes Against Scheduled Castes Spike by Almost 20% in Haryana, MP Records Highest Number of Atrocities
Crimes Against Scheduled Castes Spike by Almost 20% in Haryana, MP Records Highest Number of Atrocities
The National Crime Record Bureau’s annual report for 2017, released on Monday, noted that 762 cases of crimes against scheduled caste were registered in Haryana as compared with 639 cases in 2016.

Haryana witnessed a tremendous jump of close to 20 per cent in crimes against those belonging to the scheduled caste in 2017, second only by a few basis points to Madhya Pradesh.

The National Crime Record Bureau’s (NCRB) annual report for 2017, released on Monday, noted that 762 cases of crimes against scheduled caste were registered in Haryana as compared with 639 cases in 2016, an increase of 19.24 per cent.

The state had witnessed a higher jump of 25.29 per cent in 2016 with 510 cases in the preceding year. The report came on the day Haryana went to polls.

Interestingly, Dalits form 22 per cent of the total voters in Haryana, second only to 29 per cent Jats. Out of the 90 Assembly constituencies in the state, 17 are reserved for Scheduled Castes as per the Delimitation of Parliamentary and Assembly Constituencies Order, 2008. However, the state did not witness a strong Dalit leadership during elections.

Interestingly, approximately 56 per cent of the crimes against members of the scheduled caste in 2017 were committed only in Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh and Bihar combined.

With 19.70 per cent, Madhya Pradesh topped the list in terms of year-on-year increase in number of crimes against scheduled caste in 2017. The state also recorded the highest total crime rate against scheduled caste in the same year. The report noted that approximately 52 out of every one lakh SC individual was subjected to crimes in the year. The state also featured on the third spot on the list of most number of crimes against SC in 2017.

The horrific killing of two minors belonging to the Valmiki community in Madhya Pradesh’s Shivpuri district was the ground reality that the numbers depicted.

The report noted that the highest number of crimes against members of the scheduled caste was committed in Uttar Pradesh, with 11,444 cases in 2017. As a result, the state contributed 26.5 per cent to India’s total share of crimes against scheduled caste.

Bihar featured as number two for most number of crimes against members of the scheduled caste in 2017. The state witnessed 18.34 per cent increase in number of crimes in the year as compared to 2016. Approximately 41 out of every one lakh SC individual had to face crimes in the year. The state also contributed to 15.6 per cent in the total share of crimes against those belonging to the scheduled caste.

Puducherry witnessed a spike of 966.6 per cent in the number of crimes against members of the scheduled caste in 2017. The Union Territory had recorded 3 cases in 2016 and 2015. The figure multiplied by more than ten times to 32 in 2017.

With 48 cases, New Delhi witnessed more cases of crime against the scheduled caste in 2017 than ten other states combined.

Under 10 cases were registered in Arunanchal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Sikkim and Tripura. The report noted that 656 children and 2,058 women belonging to the scheduled caste were raped in 2017. 613 cases of sexual harassment and more than 7,000 cases of assault on women of the same community were registered in the year.

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