Casting a shadow on crime
Casting a shadow on crime
KOCHI:  The city has no dearth of drug peddlers, rapists and other petty criminals. But if you are among the gang, then there..

KOCHI:  The city has no dearth of drug peddlers, rapists and other petty criminals. But if you are among the gang, then there is tough time ahead for you. At least that is what the performance figures of the Shadow Police have to say. Going by the numbers, these plain-clothed police officers, have had more success than many in the criminal nexus would like to believe. As many as 60 police officials have been deployed as shadow policemen all over the city, Assistant Police Commissioner of Police (Special Branch) M N Ramesh who is in charge of the Shadow Police team said. The team has been deployed in the city to curb goonda menace and keep anti-social elements under surveillance. These officials will keep close tabs on the activities of goonda elements, sand and real estate lobbies, moneylenders, drug peddlers, hooch traders and anti-social elements involved in atrocities against women. The public can call to inform the police of any crime and the officials will take up the cases.One of the major achievements of the Shadow Police is that it had busted more than 50 crime cases in the city last month, which is much higher than the number of cases handled by the city police. Another major achievement is that the Kochi Shadow Police have busted more cases than the same has done by its counterpart in Thiruvananthapuram and Kozhikode. In July, around 16 drug peddlers were netted by the team. The Goonda activities are also under the scanner of the team and 15 were arrested last month.The teams have also kept a close tab on hooch traders and several people were arrested by the team in  July. In a recently reported case, the Shadow Police seized around 300 bags of ration materials which were meant to be sold in the black market.

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