BBC sting catches top doc doing sex-determination test
BBC sting catches top doc doing sex-determination test
The Delhi doctor was reportedly a campaigner against female foeticide.

New Delhi: In an undercover investigation, the BBC on Monday claimed it had caught a prominent Delhi doctor on secret camera performing sex-determination tests and offering to arrange for termination of pregnancies in spite of tough laws against such practices.

“The doctor has practised in some of Delhi's top hospitals and has actually campaigned against female foeticide, calling it an 'evil' crime,” a report on the BBC website,, said.

BBC TV carried out its investigations following reports that an estimated seven million girls have gone missing from India's population over the last 25 years. The purpose was “to see how difficult it is to find a doctor willing to carry out the service.”

Revealing its findings, the TV channel said a British couple had been sent to one of Delhi's top gynaecologists, Dr Mangala Telang, “a doctor who specialises in IVF treatment and who was recommended even by the British High Commission.”

The channel had heard that her clinic would offer ultrasound scans to determine the sex of a baby even though a sign in the waiting room clearly said it was illegal.

Secret filming done by the investigators showed that within minutes, Dr Telang agreed to perform the scan. She warned the couple not to tell anyone about what they were doing as it was illegal.

When the couple asked whether, if the unborn child is a girl and they decide to abort the baby, she could recommend someone to carry out a termination; Dr Telang allegedly said, "Yes I can recommend someone."

In the ultrasound room, another doctor tells the couple the 'good' news. “It's a boy.”

When BBC later told the doctors about the evidence, they denied doing anything wrong. Dr Telang said she was not in the room when the scan was carried out. But she is clearly seen in the room congratulating the couple.

(With PTI inputs)

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