6 things to do this summer holiday!
6 things to do this summer holiday!
Here are some suggestions that will ward off boredom.

The exams are over for most of you and the holidays are around the corner...so have you thought about what are you going to do in your holidays?

We all usually have great plans and leave lots of things to do in the holidays....but after a couple of busy weeks, it can all get a bit boring. So we are going to suggest some things that will not just ward off boredom but will also help you understand yourself better.

We have said it before and are now reiterating it - although career choices are important for young people, they're not a matter of life and death and these choices don't get made overnight.

In fact, most people don't get into a settled career until their mid or even late 20s. If you have planned to be a doctor, lawyer or other professional, it's a long haul - as it always has been...but at least it's a clear path. For others, though, the route is likely to be much less predictable.

And the summer holidays are a great time to do some homework on the kind of careers you might like to pursue. Not only will you get insight but I promise you it will be a lot of fun!!

  • First and foremost give your room a facelift. This could involve clearing out old clothes, books, rearranging the furniture and so on. What this does is help you to clear your head and encourage fresh thinking.
  • Start reading headlines of the newspaper, if not the entire thing. It helps you get a perspective on current happenings and some food for thought for possible career options.
  • Invite friends over for a sleepover or a pyjama party. Discuss anything and everything including what you all might like to do in the future. Let this be a no holds barred evening...you could be anything you wanted to be...from an astronaut to a contemporary dancer. Because there is no right or wrong answer!
  • Once you have made a list of some possible careers that excite you, try and gather as much information as you can about it. You could find a book related to it or some online articles or find at least one person who is in that career. If you don't know anyone directly try and find out through friends and relatives if they know someone.
  • Another great way to really know whether a career choice that you are contemplating is really the one for you is by taking up an internship or voluntary work during the holidays. It gives an idea of what that industry is all about as well as some invaluable ground experience which might come in handy later.
  • Join a theatre workshop even if you are not interested in theatre! It's a great way to build confidence which is invaluable no matter which career you pursue later in life.

So, hope you have fun exploring some things I have written...if you have anything else that has worked for you or you find interesting do post it on the blog. And if not...don't stress...always remember some people take longer than others to choose a career - some know at 11, others not until their mid 20s.

I'll catch up with you next week.

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