Why Libras Are So Attractive and Irresistible
Why Libras Are So Attractive and Irresistible
There’s a lot to like about Libras: they’re balanced, flexible, social, and have their fair share of smarts. But more than all that, there’s just something undeniably attractive about a Libra. Maybe it’s their magnetic charm, or maybe the way they can connect with others so easily. It’s not all just scales and balance! Here are 7 reasons why Libras are among the hottest of the signs.
Things You Should Know
  • Libras are ruled by Venus, and are therefore romantically inclined.
  • Air signs like Libras are intelligent and have plenty of initiative.
  • Libras are emotionally in-tune and empathetic.

They're naturally good at romance.

They’re ruled by Venus, which gives them a flirtatious edge. Venus is the planet of love, and so all things sexy and flirty come naturally to this playful sign. When someone has a great energy and is generally just fun to be around, that itself is incredibly attractive. And you can bet Libras are fun to be around! When someone has Venus in Libra, things get extra hot. These people have charisma in spades, and know how to wield it in order to charm almost anyone.

They’re great in bed.

Libras love love. They’re also good at reading their partners and meeting their needs. This combo adds up to a steamy time in the bedroom, since this sign knows how to take care of who they get frisky with.

They're smart.

As an air sign, Libras have intelligence in spades. You might think the brains belong mostly to signs like Aquariuses or Scorpios, but Libras have plenty of smarts, and a good measure of sophistication, to boot. Intelligent people are generally found to be more attractive by potential partners.

They’re calm and collected.

Libras can put you at ease. They’re not the sign of the scales for nothing–Libras seek balance and harmony, and are eager to accommodate everyone.. This means Libras are generally pretty pleasant to be around, and a chill person is a hot person.

They’ve got a great aesthetic.

Libras know what they’re about, and they know how to show it. Sure, personality is a huge factor in how hot someone is, but so is physical appearance. This doesn’t just mean natural beauty–confidence and style can mean just as much, if not more! Libras care about their appearance and are meticulous about their outward looks, which also means they love to shop and show off their good taste. And when someone has good taste, it usually means they know how to present themselves.

They take the lead.

As a cardinal sign, Libras know when to take charge. Cardinal signs are natural leaders, and know how to steer a situation. When you pair that with all the perks of being an air sign–flexibility, communication, and social know-how–you’ve got a recipe for someone with serious initiative. Confidence is a major player in attraction, after all.

They're optimists.

Libras aim for a balance, and a big part of balance is looking for the bright side. Talking to a Libra can be uplifting and inspire you with confidence. When someone can lift your mood, you’re more likely to admire them and see them as attractive.

They’re empathetic.

Libras are compassionate and receptive. Libras excel at seeing both sides and steering clear of conflict, and this can make them sympathetic partners. This empathy is key to healthy, long-lasting relationships. When someone is good relationship material, it shows on the outside!

They strive for fairness.

Libras are passionate about justice. They want the best for everyone, and really just want to help people. Libras do their best to make the ideal a reality. They’ve got that hero thing going on, and what’s hotter than a hero?

You have similar signs.

You might be compatible with them already. It takes two to tango, and it’s not all about the Libra. Tauruses are also ruled by Venus, and so the two signs together can make a formidable pair. Other air signs, like Aquarius, Gemini, or even another Libra, could also be a good match. Two people with similar moods and mindsets are often more appealing to each other.

It's a case of opposites attract.

You might be different from them in a good way. While Libras might be cool and confident on the outside, the inside can be a different story. Their best romantic partners could be people who both challenge them and are there to support them in their wilder moments. Virgos can see past the superficial and into the deeper layers, so they could be a good match for a libra. Sagittariuses value a fun partner, and Libras fit the bill. If you’re one of these, that might explain why you find Libras so irresistible!

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