Which Zodiac Sign Is the Meanest?
Which Zodiac Sign Is the Meanest?
Why do some zodiac signs seem meaner than others? Everyone has a good and bad side, and no zodiac sign automatically makes you a bad person. Still, astrology can give us a better understanding of our unique personalities and the things that provoke our anger or frustration. Read on, and we'll explain which zodiac signs have the meanest tendencies and which zodiac signs are better known for their sweetness!This article is based on an interview with our astrologer and performance artist, Angel Eyedealism. Check out the full interview here.

Meanest Zodiac Signs

Scorpio Despite Scorpio's tough exterior often hiding a deeply emotional and sensitive core, they can also be mean and manipulative at times. This sign is difficult to deal with, as they tend to blow hot and cold intensely. Scorpio is naturally vengeful when they feel they've been wronged, and because of their do-or-die attitude, they never back down from a conflict. Scorpio is a forceful, intense, and stubborn sign that doesn't like to be wrong. Rather than pick a fight with Scorpio (and provoke their anger), let them know their feelings are valid and apologize if you've hurt their feelings.

Capricorn Capricorn is a ruthless and goal-oriented sign, and their harsh way of communicating can easily cause hurt feelings. Because they're so unrelenting with their ambition, Capricorn has a tendency to discard people they don't need and use people they deem valuable to accelerate their career. Sometimes, they even choose romantic partners who can be of practical help to them. Capricorn can be moody and hurtful, especially when this workaholic gets stressed! Do fun things with Capricorn to ease their stress (and make outbursts less probable). On the other hand, if Capricorn gets angry with you, stay calm to stop the situation from escalating further. Offer an apology and explain your actions maturely to calm Capricorn down.

Aries Aries is full of fire and passion. Though they don't necessarily intend to be mean, their blunt, forceful way of speaking and "me first" attitude can easily steamroll someone's feelings. Aries can also be quite volatile, with a hot temper that they'll unleash whenever they get upset. Though Aries' anger burns off quickly, they won't hold back in the moment. When handling an angry Aries, stay calm and let them say their piece. Give them time to cool off and then talk things out, making sure to empathize with their feelings.

Virgo Virgo is an intense perfectionist—which leads to lots of criticism aimed at the people around them. Though Virgo might see it as just trying to help, their judgmental nature and nitpicky attitude are often interpreted as "mean" instead. Even the slightest imperfections get under Virgo's skin and cause them to dish out unwanted and, at times, insensitive critiques. Remember that Virgo is their own worst critic; nobody is a victim of Virgo's perfectionist attitude more than Virgo themselves. They judge everything they do and often end up stressing themselves out big-time! When Virgo offers a critique, consider whether it could help you—Virgo loves it when people take their advice. Even if you disagree, do so respectfully; Virgo will only get more upset if their ideas are dismissed.

Leo This is actually the most affectionate and friendly sign of the zodiac—but when they feel challenged or attacked, Leo's claws come out. Leo especially can't stand it if they feel like someone is making them look bad or taking advantage of them. And once stubborn Leo steps up to fight, they never back down—making them formidable and often hurtful when angry. Leo loves getting compliments! When they do something to upset you, tell them so outright (this sign doesn't do subtlety) but make it clear at the same time that you still respect and admire them. Refrain from telling Leo what to do. Leo is a natural leader with a stubborn streak on top of that; by letting Leo take the lead, you can avoid their anger—and any mean things they might say in a moment of frustration.

Cancer Cancer doesn't want to be mean, but they can be extremely moody. This usually kind, soft-hearted, and nurturing sign lets their emotions get the better of them when they're in a bad mood. Cancer rarely says or does anything intentionally cruel; they'll just be grumpy and difficult to deal with in contrast to their typical warm and welcoming vibes. Thankfully, Cancer always prefers to talk things out and express their emotions, even when they're in a bad mood. Sit down with Cancer, listen to them, and empathize with their feelings to help them cheer up.

Gemini Gemini's level of meanness usually depends on their mood. This sign is known for its dual personality; Gemini is changeable and often flits between moods at the drop of a hat. When Gemini wants to be nice, they're charming, playful, and super friendly. When Gemini is unhappy, they can become highly confrontational and rude. Gemini is all about clear, thoughtful communication. If they confront you about something, make sure you talk through the conflict respectfully. Gemini will appreciate your honesty—and they typically don't hold grudges.

Nicest Zodiac Signs

Libra Libra is the peacemaker of the zodiac, dedicated to fairness and harmony. You'll be hard-pressed to catch them ever being rude to anyone! In fact, if Libra sees a conflict between two friends or family members, they may even make it their mission to resolve the issue and make things right for all involved. Libra is also a hardcore people-pleaser and will happily go out of their way for someone else. Libra can be so much of a peacemaker for others that they neglect themselves. Make sure Libra has a healthy outlet to vent their own emotions—because this sign definitely has them.

Pisces Pisces is a genuinely kind, easygoing, and considerate sign. They have a humanitarian streak and love spending their time helping others, and they typically strive to have an upbeat, optimistic attitude. It also helps that Pisces doesn't like conflict and actively avoids it as much as they can; they'd rather be pleasant than risk a confrontation with someone.

Taurus Taurus's natural patience and sensitivity make them relatively easy to deal with. It's tough to make a Taurus angry; they're unflinchingly calm in most situations, and deep down, Taurus has a soft, kind heart. They also have an innate sense of chivalry and politeness—they're the type of person to hold a door for someone or offer a cordial greeting to a stranger on the street. As a fiercely loyal sign, Taurus rarely holds grudges. So long as you show Taurus that your relationship is more important than any conflicts you might have and willingly talk things out, no argument will last long.

Aquarius Aquarius might say something mean on a bad day (which is rare for this generally upbeat sign), but overall, making friends and avoiding conflict is the main goal for them. They live to meet new people, exchange unconventional ideas, and get a thrill every time they learn something new. Because of this, Aquarius makes a point to be friendly and engaging as often as possible. If you clash with Aquarius, it's best to let them know that you want to resolve the conflict and invite them to talk to you anytime. This allows the peace-loving Aquarius to work on things in their own time.

Sagittarius Sagittarius aims to fill their life with knowledge, freedom, and optimism. They don't have time for negativity when there's so much out in the world to explore! As such, you'll rarely catch a Sagittarius engaging in mean-spirited activity; they're just not interested in being petty when they could be spending that energy elsewhere. Sagittarius's need to fill their lives with positivity can cause them to be insensitive toward other peoples' feelings. Try not to take anything Sagittarius says personally—they likely don't even realize they've said something careless.

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