How to Meet the Game of Thrones Cast
How to Meet the Game of Thrones Cast
The Game of Thrones cast has become well-known all across the world for their roles in the show. If you'd like to meet them, looking at their social media pages and online interviews are a great place to start. The cast often posts pictures or videos of where they are and what they're working on, making it easier to find them. If you do go to a spot where a Game of Thrones cast member is, make sure you're respectful and polite when interacting with them.

Researching Their Whereabouts

Follow the Game of Thrones cast members on Twitter. If you have a Twitter account, log in and type in the name of a cast member. Their Twitter handle should pop up, allowing you to follow them. If the cast member tweets about what they’re up to or where they’ll be next, you’ll be able to use this information to try to meet them. For example, Sophie Turner’s (Sansa Stark’s) Twitter handle is @SophieT, and Maisie Williams’ (Arya Stark’s) handle is @Maisie_Williams. If you don’t already have a Twitter account, you can create one. The blue check next to the cast member’s name means that the account is truly theirs and not made up by someone else.

Look at the Facebook events to see if they’ll be attending an event near you. By logging in to Facebook, you can type “Game of Thrones” into the search box. Once the results load, click on “Events” in the top tabs section. It’ll list all of the Game of Thrones events going on both near you and around the world. Check for events sponsored by HBO or the actual Game of Thrones cast, as these events will be the most likely to have cast members there.

Check the cast’s Instagram postings to see where they are. Many times a cast member will post an Instagram photo or video saying what they’re currently working on and where they are. Log in to Instagram and type in a cast member’s name to see if they have an account, looking for a blue check next to their name for legitimacy. Once you follow them, you’ll be able to see all of their posts. Emilia Clarke's (Daenerys Targaryen's) Instagram, emilia_clarke, might show a photo of her in New York City at a specific bar or music venue. Cast members often promote an event they’ll be attending by posting a photo, giving you a heads-up as to where they’ll be on a certain day. Make your own Instagram account if you don’t already have one.

Read websites and blogs about Game of Thrones to find events. You can find tons of articles online talking about what the Game of Thrones cast members are currently working on, leading you to information about where they’re located and which events they’re attending. Search online by typing “Game of Thrones cast members updates” or something similar into the search box. Many sites are dedicated exclusively to Game of Thrones updates, such as

Peruse tabloid magazines and newspapers for updated information. Visit a newsstand, bookstore, drug store, or other places that carry magazines and newspapers. Scan the covers for headlines about Game of Thrones cast members, or pick out an entertainment-focused magazine to look for information about what the cast members are up to recently. The Arts section of the newspaper is also a great place to look. Reading about what the cast members are currently doing will lead you to where they’re working.

Finding Them in Person

Network with others for the opportunity to meet cast members. If you know or meet someone who works or is friends with a cast member, try to strike up a friendship or connection with this person. It'll be much easier to arrange a meeting with the cast member if you already have a connection to them. Get the person’s contact information, such as their email address or cell phone number, so that you can keep in touch with them.

Visit places the cast likes to frequent. If you read that Natalie Dormer (Margaery Tyrell) loves shopping in San Francisco or that Kit Harington (Jon Snow) likes to spend his free weekends in Berlin, you have a much higher chance of running into them at those places. Look at the cast members’ social media accounts and online interviews to find out where they like to hang out.

Go to a television or movie filming that they’re cast in. As actors and actresses, many of the Game of Thrones cast members will be filming other television shows or movies. Find out which filmings the cast members are a part of, as well as when and where. If they’re shooting in a public area, you can often visit the set. To get even closer to the cast member, see if the television show or movie is casting extras. If you’re an extra for the filming, you’ll get to be around the cast member for several hours (while also usually getting paid!).

Attend a Comic-Con event for a chance to meet the cast. Comic-Con events happen all over the world, and they're a great chance to dress up, take pictures, and potentially have a meet-and-greet with the Game of Thrones cast. Go online to find Comic-Con events near you and see if the cast will be attending.

Purchase tickets to an event they’ll be attending. If you find out ahead of time that a cast member will be attending an event, such as a movie premier, book signing, or talk show, see if you’re able to purchase tickets to the same event. This will put you in the same location as the cast member, making it much easier to hopefully meet them. If you’re not able to purchase the tickets yourself, see if there are any sweepstakes or contests you can enter where you might win free tickets.

Arrive at the event early to make sure you don’t miss them. If you’re trying to meet the Game of Thrones cast member at a talk show or premier, it’s likely that they’re going to get there super early. To avoid missing them entirely, arrive at the event at least a couple hours early so that you’re sure you spot them. You can also wait for the cast member to leave an event if you miss them as they arrive. Be patient—waiting to see a cast member can take a long time, especially if you have no idea when they’ll arrive or leave.

Be respectful of their privacy. The Game of Thrones cast members have lots of fans from all over the world that want to meet them, so always make being respectful your top priority. Sometimes they may not want to talk to fans, and other times they might not even be allowed. If you approach a cast member and they don’t reciprocate the interest to meet, be polite and respect their wishes. Don’t break rules or be aggressive to meet a cast member—if you don’t think it’s a good idea to approach them or their security tells you to step back, try again another time.

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