How to Do a Fireman's Carry in Wrestling
How to Do a Fireman's Carry in Wrestling
The Fireman's Carry is a wrestling takedown that uses your opponent's momentum against them. With this move, you'll put an opponent across your back and send them flying through the air before they crash to the mat. You'll first need to set up this takedown before you're able to perform the move itself.

Setting up the Takedown

Assume a staggered wrestling stance. Your feet should be slightly wider than shoulder width, with one foot placed forward. When preparing for a move such as a fireman's carry, you should keep your penetrating leg forward. If you're right handed, this will be your right leg. Most of your weight should be on your front leg.

Clinch with your opponent and control the inside position. To get this control, your hands should be placed on your opponent's biceps, one hand per bicep. You should be just far enough away from your opponent to keep your elbows slightly bent. Ensure your left thumb is on the outside of your opponent's bicep. This will give you more control when performing the takedown.

Use your control to shift your opponent's weight. The precursor to any good takedown is forcing your opponent to shift their weight to your advantage. For the fireman's carry, you want them either stepping towards you or straightening up. Here are a few ways to do this: Place your hand behind your opponent's head and pull down towards the mat. Their first reflex will be to jerk their head up, giving you an opportunity to shoot in. Keeping your hands on the opponent's biceps, push forward. Your opponent's default reaction will be to push back to prevent you from gaining the advantage. As soon as you feel this pushback, stop pushing. Your opponent will start coming towards you, giving you the perfect opportunity to shoot.

Taking the Opponent Down

Shoot your front leg as far forward as you can. The knee should touch the ground between your opponent's legs, slightly past their heels. It's important to shoot as dynamically as you can, putting all your force and energy into this forward movement. Your left leg should stay outstretched behind you.

Pull on your opponent's triceps as you place your knee to the ground. This is an alternate way to shoot into the above position, particularly useful if you already have a strong grip on your opponent. As they come towards you, sweep your back leg around in a circular motion, turning your body 90 degrees. Your opponent will hit your shoulder and be poised for the next step.

Use your opponent's momentum against them. If they are pushing towards you, drop to both knees, putting your right shoulder forward as you catch your opponent. This will keep your shoulders perpendicular to theirs, making the takedown more effective. Alternatively, you can fall to your butt to achieve this position. Simply take a large step forward with your rear leg, and let the opponent's momentum drop you to a seated position. They will fall across your back, preparing them for the takedown.

Secure your grip on the opponent's arm and leg. As your right knee touches the ground, the right hand should be shooting between the opponent's legs and gripping the opposite leg. Your arm should be looped around the opponent's leg, with your hand gripping the outside of their knee. Keep control of the opponent's arm with your left hand, around the tricep. As you secure your grip, make sure to pivot on your knees; the line of your shoulders should be perpendicular to that of your opponent's and you should be on both knees.

Pull the opponent's arm in tight, and send them over your left side. As you pull with your left hand, your right shoulder should come up, sending your opponent up. Contract your side, bringing your left elbow towards your left hip. Think about putting your left shoulder down on the mat. This momentum will send your opponent through the air, over your shoulders and towards the mat. This step is specific to performing a fireman's carry in amateur wrestling. In professional wrestling, your opponent will help you send him over your side and “bump” (absorb the impact of the fall). Professional wrestlers also perform this move from a standing position, but don't attempt this without the right training.

Maintain a dominant position. As your opponent lands on the mat, keep your shoulder pressed to their body, following them to the mat. Keep your weight pressed on top of them to prevent a possible escape. Keep your grip tight on their arm as you rotate, bringing your left shoulder up and around until your right shoulder pins the opponent. This will provide you with better control, as well as allowing you to move into other techniques, such as a pin.

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