How to Clean Billiard Balls
How to Clean Billiard Balls
Do you play Billiards a lot? Then your Billiard balls will be covered in chalk. You should clean them, because if the chalk builds up, it may affect play. Follow this guide to clean the billiard balls, and I wish you future billiards luck.

Acquire a bucket. A good few 3 or 4 gallons (11.4 or 15.1 L) will do.

Fill it with water. Fill bucket about 3/4s of the way up.

For every 10 parts water, put in 1 pack of detergent.

Soak the billiard balls for about 5 minutes.

Take each ball out of the bucket, and sprinkle a bit more detergent, and polish with a rag/towel.

Dry each ball with a dry towel.

Have fun playing Billiards!

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