How to Celebrate LGBT Pride Month As a Straight Person
How to Celebrate LGBT Pride Month As a Straight Person
LGBTQ+ Pride month is celebrated every year in June, to honor the struggles that LGBTQ+ people have experienced throughout history, most notably of which is the 1969 Stonewall Uprising[1]
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. It's easy to worry about celebrating Pride if you haven't experienced LGBTQ+ issues, but thankfully it is possible to celebrate Pride month respectfully and genuinely as a straight person.[2]
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If you're interested in learning, you can find out how in just a few simple steps!

Making an Effort to Understand LGBTQ+ Issues

Learn about LGBTQ+ issues. Putting yourself outside of your comfort zone in order to understand LGBTQ+ issues is key to being able to respectfully celebrate Pride. Although it can be uncomfortable, Queer history hasn't always been celebratory the way it is during Pride month. Make sure you take the necessary time and effort to educate yourself on these issues. There are plenty of books, articles, and lectures about LGBTQ+ history. The events and struggles faced by Queer people in the past are what LGBTQ+ Pride is based off of, so education is necessary. Take initiative! Don't wait for an opportunity to learn — create one yourself.

Make an effort to empathize with LGBTQ+ issues. Although straight people don't experience homophobia, try and think about how you'd feel if you were under such scrutiny, 24/7. Take this as an opportunity to recognize why some Queer people have a resentment towards straight people— it's not a personal dislike, but moreso a disapproval of the benefits that straight people get for simply existing. Remember, there is a line between empathizing with LGBTQ+ issues and actually experiencing them, so don't expect to be able to relate to them.

Recognize internalized homophobia you might experience. Many straight people have internalized biases against the LGBTQ+ community, and it's important to unlearn this. Even just focusing on recognizing an internalized prejudice can go a long way, so make sure you put in the effort to be a good ally during LGBTQ+ pride month. Make an effort to hold yourself accountable in the case that you've done anything harmful to the LGBTQ+ community. It's important to learn from your mistakes. Don't treat internalized homophobia like something normal. Although this is common, it certainly isn't a good thing to experience.

Celebrating Pride and Being a Good Ally

Buy from Queer-owned businesses. Many major corporations put on a facade of support for the LGBTQ+ community during Pride month by rebranding as rainbow for the month. This rebranding is nothing more than a stunt to get money, and it's best to shop for pride-related merchandise from LGBTQ+ owned businesses. It's not necessary to buy Pride-related merchandise, but if you do, try to avoid major companies. Some companies do donate a portion of their proceeds to organizations that support LGBTQ+ people, so those companies are alright to buy from. Research a company before you purchase something from them if you aren't sure whether they support LGBTQ+ people.

Donate to LGBTQ+ organizations. Organizations that focus on supporting Queer youth, HIV prevention and testing, and advocacy groups are all focused on supporting a good cause and can benefit from donations. There is no shortage of LGBTQ+ non-profits to give a hand to during Pride month. Find one near you and give back! If you don't know where to donate, try an organization like The Trevor Project or GLAAD .

Visit a Pride event. There are plenty of pride events and parades all around the world. You can go by yourself, or with friends. Look for a parade near you and get to celebrating! Be mindful at pride that you're still a straight person. Always make sure to be respectful. If you don't know how to find a Pride event, try using something like the PrideFinder tool.

Enjoy Pride. At the end of the day, Pride month is a celebration of LGBTQ+ people around the world. Make sure to make the most out of your experiences with giving back to the LGBTQ+ community during June. After all, celebrating while simultaneously becoming a better ally is a great way to celebrate Pride month.

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