How to Beat Boredom As a Girl
How to Beat Boredom As a Girl
Have you ever been so bored that you became very picky about what to do? Being undecided, lethargic or just downright lazy, isn't quite the same as bring bored but if you are a girl or a person who likes to do what girls apparently like to do, this article will give you some ideas on beating boredom. Try out all the steps or just pick the ones that most appeal to you and, of course, try something you've been told is for boys if you want to.

Beating Boredom at Home

Bake or cook something. Here are some ideas of delicious things to make: Cupcakes Chocolate chip cookies Chocolate brownies Rice crispy cakes Chocolate truffles Muffins Apple tarts You can search on wikiHow for any recipes you want to try. Making food is great as you can enjoy making it and eating it, that's a double win! You can hold a bake sale with the help of friends and family. Try a new recipe that you have never made before like pizza bagels, a chocolate chip log or hot chocolate pancakes.

Read a book. You can go to a bookstore, a library, or inside your house to find a good book - they're everywhere! Start a book club and invite friends over to join. Discuss your favourite/least favourite books.

Watch YouTube. Search up videos of stuff you like riddles, recipes, illusions, or anything else you like. You can create a "watch later" list which you can turn back to anytime you like. Look in your recommended videos and see if you can find anything good. Don't go for things you always watch, try something new.

Play one of you favorite video games. Make sure you ask your parents first if you can play them. Borrow video games from your siblings to try. Always check the age limit. You don't want to play a game for 15-year-olds if you are only 11.

Play with your pet. Not only will you enjoy it, but so will your pet! If you have a dog you can take it out for a walk. If you don't have a pet you can visit a pet store, you don't need to buy a pet but just look at them.

Take a bath. You can relax for as long as you want in there. Alternatively you can take a shower.

Organise your clothes and accessories. Put together some outfits for yourself, pack away unseasonal clothes, de-clutter and put all your clothes away again in an organised fashion, such as all the same colors together or all the same type of garment. If you want, you can hang whole outfits up on a hanger in your closet or wardrobe for when you can't decide what to wear.

Make a fort. It's up to you how you make it, you can make a pillow fort or a blanket fort or even a cardboard box fort. You can spend as much time in there as you want and it can be your new secret hideout.

Play a prank on somebody. It can be a right laugh and there is plenty of pranks to try. Why not try making a prank call or making fake vomit?

Explore your loft, basement or cupboard with your parents' consent. If your parents don't allow you to look, don't. However if you are allowed find some old stuff that you forgot about like photo albums or old toys and see if it brings back any old memories.

Contribute to a website (this one, for example). You can edit this page if you want to. Find a wiki for a topic you like and explore the pages there until you find something you like. You could review pages, or share them on social media.

Going Out

Play games outside. You can jump rope, hula hoop, play football, or do anything else that sounds fun. Play with friends and family. You can play in your garden or in a park.

Go out on a scooter, bike or roller skates. Stick to an old, well-known path, or find somewhere else to go. Have a race with your friends.

Go shopping. Pick which stores you like best whether it is a big fancy department store or a chic charity shop. It doesn't have to be clothes shopping it can be whatever you want, food, stationery, sports stuff or whatever strikes you as your thing. If you don't have money for anything, just window shop, you can look at everything in the stores you like, try on clothes and accessories, take a few free samples and plan ahead what you are going to get for your friends and family for their birthday/Christmas.

Go on a walk. Get your parents permission, then go wherever your nose leads you. You can just walk around the block or you can go further you can visit a park and take a look there, explore new places. If you live in the countryside you're in luck, there is plenty of places to go, by a river, in the woods or on a mountain, you might need to go with an adult however.

Go out with friends. Here are some suggestions of where to go: Cafe Ice skating Cinema Fun fair Park Community center Swimming

Volunteer. If you are old enough look around your neighborhood to see if there is anywhere you can volunteer: a fair, a community garden, an old folks home or anywhere else you can find.

Getting Creative

Play an instrument. If you already play an instrument, you can practice it further. If you don't already play it but have access to an instrument (e.g. you have a piano in your living room), you can try that. You can also buy your own instrument (e.g. a recorder). Start a band with friends and family who play an instrument. You can preform to people afterwards.

Draw a picture. It can be anything you want. You can make it up or get inspired by something. Here are some ideas: Still life Cartoon Self-portrait Landscape

Create a collage out of magazines. Alternatively, you can make a scrapbook.

Write a story. You are in control of the plot and setting. Make the story however you want. You can make a book if you want. You can draw illustrations to complement it.

Do an art project. You can get loads of them from wikiHow. If you can't find one there, you can search up art projects on YouTube. Try things like: Sewing Beading Knitting Cross Stitching Origami You can make Christmas/birthday gifts for friends and family.

Write down an idea. Get inspired by something and maybe an idea will come to you. It can be anything, an idea for an invention, an idea for a club or a new hobby idea. Being bored can cause great ideas to come to you.

Try something new. If ever you need to learn something new in life it is now. Press the random article button on wikiHow or try one of these options. Peyote stitching Canoeing Helping an animal shelter Learning HTML

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