Use a natural, hydrating lip balm that contains beeswax.
Beeswax is great for trapping moisture and making your lips nice and smooth. If you have very dry lips, look for something that contains glycerin, petrolatum, or shea butter. Try a lip balm with SPF 20 in it for added sun protection. Avoid lip balms that contain artificial dyes or flavors. These are common allergens for many people, and a cause of dry, chapped lips.
Choose hydrating or moisturizing lipstick over regular lipstick.
Lipstick is great for adding color to your lips, but some types can be very drying. If you like to wear lipstick, look for something that says "hydrating" on the label. Apply lip balm under your lipstick for even more hydration and smoothness. Take a pass on the lip gloss, which tends to be drying. If you must use lip gloss, apply it over your lip balm. Choose creamy lipstick over matte lipstick. Creamy lipstick is generally more moisturizing than matte lipstick, which tends to be drying. Apply lip balm, then brush your lips for smoother lipstick application. Before you apply any lipstick, apply a good, hydrating lip balm. Wait 5 minutes, then gently brush your lips with a clean toothbrush dipped in water. Rinse your lips with water, pat them dry, then apply your lipstick.
Apply a retinol-based product around your lips to combat creasing.
Creasing is often caused by smoking, drinking from bottles, and pursing your lips. It is also a natural sign of aging. You can add more definition to your lips by applying a pea-sized amount of a retinol-based cream to the skin around your lips. Apply the cream nightly. If you have sensitive skin, apply it every other night instead. This cream should be available over-the-counter. If you can't find it in your local pharmacy, ask your doctor about getting a prescription.
Exfoliate your lips with a lip scrub to eliminate flakiness.
You can buy a lip scrub from a beauty supply store, or you can make your own. If you want a little more plumping action, consider using something that has cinnamon in it. How often you exfoliate depends on how flaky or sensitive your lips are. Once or twice a week should be enough for most people. If you have very sensitive skin, you may have to exfoliate every other week. To make your own lip scrub, combine 1 tablespoon (14.8 ml) of coconut oil or olive oil, 1 tablespoon (14.8 ml) of honey, and 2 tablespoons (29.6 ml) of brown sugar. Massage some of the scrub onto your lips using small, circular motions. Leave it on for 1 to 2 minutes, then rinse it off with warm water. Follow up with lip balm.
Exfoliate your lips with petroleum jelly and a soft toothbrush.
Dip a soft, clean toothbrush into some petroleum jelly. Brush your lips with it using small, circular motions. Wipe most of the petroleum jelly off, but leave a thin coating for hydration. Need a little more exfoliating power? Mix a little bit of sugar into the petroleum jelly, then massage it onto your lips with your finger instead. This technique is similar to using lip balm and a toothbrush, but it allows you to use more petroleum jelly, which some people find gentler/more hydrating. You can also massage your lips with a paste made from baking soda and water. Mix enough baking soda and water to make a paste. Apply the paste to a soft, clean toothbrush. Massage your lips with the toothbrush using circular motions. Rinse the paste off, then follow-up with lip balm.
Switch up the products you are currently using.
This includes things like lipstick, lip balm, and even toothpaste. When making the switch, go for something natural and without any synthetic flavorings; natural flavors are fine. There is a chance that you are allergic to one of your current lipsticks, balms, or toothpaste. You don't have to switch up everything—just the products that come in contact with your mouth.
Drink 8 glasses (1.9 liters) of water daily.
Staying hydrated is a great way to keep your lips moist, smooth, and wrinkle-free. Drinking water also has many other benefits, including clear skin. If you notice your lips are looking more chapped than usual, drink some water or use Vaseline or another petroleum jelly. There are other ways to stay hydrated as well. Snack on water-rich foods, such as watermelon or cucumber. Sports drinks and coconut water are also great options. Avoid drinking from bottles, when possible, as this can cause fine wrinkles around your mouth. Bottles with a nozzle-tip should be fine, however.
Protect your lips during cold or windy weather.
The easiest way to do this would be to cover your mouth with a scarf. If it is too warm for that, or if you simply don't like wearing scarves, consider using some lip balm or petroleum jelly (i.e.: Vaseline) instead.
Cut back on acidic and salty foods.
Acidic foods include things like oranges, kiwi, orange juice, and lemonade. Not only can these foods sting your lips, but they can make any current flaking worse. Salty foods may also dry out your lips because of the fine, salty coating they leave on your lips. This does not mean that you have to give these foods up forever; once the flaking stops, you can try slowly reintroducing them into your diet.
Break the habit of biting or licking your lips.
The more you mess with your lips, the drier and chapped they will become. Biting your lips too often can scrape away the delicate skin, leaving it chapped. Saliva, although moist, actually dries out your lips, especially if you applied lip balm. If you like to wear flavored lip balm, switch to an unflavored one so you won't be tempted to lick your lips. You can also apply petroleum jelly instead. It doesn't taste good and may help you break the habit of licking your lips.
Do not pick at your lips if they are chapped.
This will only make things worse by slowing down the healing process. Instead, apply a natural, hydrating lip balm instead. Make sure that you use one that is labeled for chapped lips.
Breathe through your nose rather than your mouth.
This is especially important during cold weather. Breathing through your mouth dries out your lips just like windy weather. When possible, try to make a habit of breathing through your nose rather than your mouth.
Get a humidifier if it is very dry in your room.
This usually happens during the wintertime, but it can also happen during the summer depending on where you live. Use a humidistat to measure the humidity in your home. If the reading falls below 45, get a humidifier. You don't have to leave it on all the time; you can leave it on at night and turn it off during the day.
See a doctor if the flaking persists and nothing helps.
There could be something that you are allergic to that you are not aware of. If the corners of your lips are also cracked, you may have a type of yeast infection. Another culprit might be a prescription medication for acne, high blood pressure, or nausea; they often have chapped lips as a side effect. Do not discontinue your prescriptions without consulting your doctor first. Dry lips may also be an indicator of a vitamin deficiency.
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