MS Dhoni Birthday: 5 Investment Lessons you can Learn from Captain Cool
MS Dhoni Birthday: 5 Investment Lessons you can Learn from Captain Cool
MS Dhoni Birthday: Mahendra Singh Dhoni has had a long and successful career and from that there are several investment lessons one can observe along the way

Mahendra Singh Dhoni (MSD) is possibly one of the most successful cricketers in India. He was born on July 7, 1981. He is the only captain so far to win all three ICC trophies – the T20 World Cup in 2007, the ODI World Cup in 2011 and the ICC Champions Trophy in 2013. The man who made his way to the top from humble beginnings, from ticket collector to ‘Captain Cool’, there are a few takeaways from this sportsman’s career that draw good parallels in the world of business and investment.

With his birthday today, it is a good time to look at some of the moves he made over the years. Like many other cricketers, he too turned his attention to different ventures during his career and has brought himself up as not only a sporting legend but a businessman as well. As the years have gone by, he has dipped his hand into several different buckets, from sports to organic farming to start-ups.

Having said that, here are five lessons one can take away from MSD’s path-breaking career:

1) Patience is the Key: If there is one lesson fans and observes alike have witnessed is his patience. With nearly two decades on the field, patience has become a core part of his success kit. They don’t call him the ‘best finisher’ for nothing. This applies all too well in today’s market. With the instability and uncertainty that the pandemic has brought the economy since 2020, patience becomes all too crucial. The way you invest your investment needs a similar approach to MSD, keep your eye on the stock or FD. The market can crash at any time or your FD interest rates can drop. This is when you need to keep calm, be patient and wait for the right moment to make the leap.

2) Riding the Wave: Even this cricketing legend would have had his ups and downs over the years. He has had his fair share of bad days and bad plays but did not let them affect his career. In the same way, one bad day should not determine your investment. You need to consider the larger picture and carefully consider all the factors before investing.

3) Walk Tall: Just like how MSD gave the ball to Joginder Sharma during T20 World Cup final in 2007, you too need to be confident in your own abilities and foresight. When investing, be ready to jump all-in, if you truly believe that said investment will pan out eventually. Use all the data and monitoring techniques needed, but ultimately have faith in yourself.

4) Know Your SWOT: Knowing your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) is essential. MSD has always been a sharp observer; he kept his eye on the ball as well as whatever else was happening on the field. He knew his strengths, was aware of his weaknesses, pounced on opportunities and assessed threats vigilantly. “He is a great competitor and keeps his composure better than anyone, especially under pressure. He is a very smart player, who is calculating,” Australian cricketer Michael Hussey once said.

Similarly, you need to know your financial SWOT. Be aware of your budget, goals and investment opportunities. Do not turn a blind eye to what could possibly be a liability. Follow market trends and expert advice closely.

5) Find the Right Coach: Even MSD did not get where he is today without a little help. Over his long career, Dhoni has played under and has been trained by many coaches. In personal finances and investment, it’s the same game. It always helps to have a financial advisor to help you identify good opportunities in the market – especially when you are just starting out.

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