Use These 5 Hand Signals to Better Communicate With Traffic and Avoid Road Rage
Use These 5 Hand Signals to Better Communicate With Traffic and Avoid Road Rage
Traffic congestion often leads to people losing their patience and violating lane discipline. An abrupt change in the direction of the vehicle in motion can be hard for other drivers to predict and react accordingly.

No matter which region of India you belong to, if you have driven on Indian roads then it is likely that you must have come across a road rage incident. As the population swells every year, so does the number of vehicles on road.

Traffic congestion often leads to people losing their patience and violating lane discipline. An abrupt change in the direction of the vehicle in motion can be hard for other drivers to predict and react accordingly. These confusions are one of the key reasons for minor scuffles on-road that sometimes even escalate to violent road rage.

Apart from appropriately using the indicators on your vehicle and maintaining lanes, one can also use certain hand signals to inform other drivers about your intention. These signals also come in handy when your indicator isn’t working or is not visible, report suggests.

Different hand signals have specific meanings and are used depending upon the circumstances. Whether you want to slow down your vehicle or make a U-turn, learning these signals can be of immense help. Let us look at the meanings of some of them.

Stopping signalAlthough brake lights serve their purpose effectively, some drivers may still need some signalling. Making a stop sign with your hand while keeping the elbow slightly out of the window, indicates that you want to stop.

Turning rightAs in India, we follow the right-hand driving system, it gets easy to give a right-turn signal. Just place your arm straight on the door frame while keeping it parallel to the ground. Make sure that your hand is visible to the driver behind you.

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Turning leftTo indicate that you wish to take a left turn, stick your hand out of the driver’s window and make a circular motion with it in the anti-clockwise direction. This is because you also turn your steering in the same direction to take a left turn.

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Slowing downWhile intending to slow down your vehicle, move your right arm gently in an up and down motion with your palm facing downwards, to signal the other drivers. At the same time, be careful while putting your hand outside the window.

Allowing overtakingIn order to allow a vehicle to overtake you, move your hand in a forward circular motion indicating to the other driver that you are making way for him.

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