Air India Flight With Shobha Karandlaje Onboard Faces Tech Glitch at B'luru Airport
Air India Flight With Shobha Karandlaje Onboard Faces Tech Glitch at B'luru Airport
An Air India flight with Union minister Shobha Karandlaje on board returned to the parking bay before take-off due to a technical glitch at the Bengaluru airport on Sunday.

Air India Flight With Minister Shobha Karandlaje Onboard Faces Glitch at B’luru AirportAn Air India flight with Union minister Shobha Karandlaje on-board returned to parking bay before take off due to a technical glitch at the Bengaluru airport on Sunday. The flight, 9I 517, from Bengaluru to Hyderabad, which was scheduled to leave at 6:45 pm, faced a technical glitch, according to a statement issued by the minister’s office. Another flight was operated by Air India to fly the passengers, including the minister, to Hyderabad. Shobha Karandlaje is the Minister of State for Agriculture & Farmers Welfare. The statement said that the minister politely refused the airline and airport officials’ request to deboard the plane and wait in the VIP lounge till alternate arrangements were made. The minister also ensured that everyone in the flight got an equal treatment.

In a similar incident, an Air India Express flight which took off from Trivandrum for Sharjah, in the UAE, on Monday morning with 170 passengers was forced to turn back shortly after taking off due to a technical glitch. The plane, which also had a crew of six, landed safely at Thiruvananthapuram airport and another flight was arranged for the passengers, including five infants, to travel to Sharjah, an Air India Express (AIE) spokesperson told PTI.

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According to an official of the airport, the incident occurred around 7 AM. The AIE spokesperson said the pilots noticed the technical glitch around half an hour after take-off and immediately decided to turn back to Thiruvananthapuram.

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