Watch: Woman Shares Why She Moved To Dubai From UK
Watch: Woman Shares Why She Moved To Dubai From UK
Nikki Cowell said that she cannot feel that she can go out at night in the UK.

A woman took to Instagram to share some bizarre facts about moving to Dubai from the UK. You might know people who might be visiting Dubai or returned from Dubai as it has become a hotspot for tourism and is becoming famous by the day for it. Burj Khalifa, which is the tallest building in the world, is in Dubai. It also hosts the popular desert tour. It has the most luxurious and extravagant high-tech vehicles. With the cream population and some unique experiences to explore, Dubai has it all, but let’s find out how this lady feels about Dubai.

Nikki Cowell, a citizen of the UK, is a real estate agent by profession. She has a following of 20.6K on Instagram.

In March this year, she moved to Dubai and talked about the reasons why she made this decision on her profile. Here are the reasons she chose to make this move:

Safety: The woman said that she cannot feel that she can go out at night in the UK. She added that in Dubai she feels at ease going out any time of the day. She further said that she even feels safe going running in the night.

Job Opportunities: She revealed that in Dubai the job opportunities available to expats are incredible. Whereas in the UK, job opportunities are limited and the progression of growth is low and difficult.

Weather: She said that in the UK there is perpetual rainfall, whereas in Dubai it’s sunny throughout the year, and even during the winter seasons there is sunshine.

Taxes: The income tax in the UK is a whopping 20-40% which is paid by citizens. Whereas Dubai has 0% income tax, which is a massive economic and financial benefit.

The video she shared through her profile went viral and garnered massive attention. A lot of people were unaware of these facts and were surprised.

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