Fridge Or Cupboard? Internet Discusses Where One Must Store Potatoes
Fridge Or Cupboard? Internet Discusses Where One Must Store Potatoes
She expressed confusion and questioned if others also stored potatoes in the fridge, wondering if this was a new practice.

A woman’s method of storing potatoes has led to a heated online discussion. Her discovery of a “peculiar symbol” on the potato packet has ignited chaos as people debate the correct way to store them. TikToker @bethking61 shared a video saying she always thought potatoes were to be stored in a cupboard, but she was surprised to find instructions on the packet advising her to store them in the fridge.

Showing the fridge symbol and the words “At home store below 5°C” on the packet, she expressed confusion and questioned if others also stored potatoes in the fridge, wondering if this was a new practice.

The caption added by @bethking61 expressed her surprise, mentioning that she had always believed potatoes should be stored in a dark cupboard. The debate continued in the comments, with some supporting the cupboard method while others admitted to switching to storing potatoes in the fridge. Opinions varied widely, with some stating they’ve never encountered anyone who refrigerates potatoes, while others shared alternative storage locations like under the sink or in designated drawers in the fridge.

A user commented, “I’ve always kept mine in the fridge and I’ve never experienced sprouting or spoilage.” Attempting to provide some clarity to the debate, an expert joined the conversation, stating, “As a chef with over 10 years of experience, I’ve always stored potatoes in the fridge. Even as a child, my mum did the same.”

Another viewer shared their habit of storing potatoes, eggs, ketchup and mayo in the fridge, expressing frustration when others don’t return them to their designated spots. In contrast, a fourth person firmly stated that potatoes, eggs and tomatoes should never be refrigerated. Adding to the confusion, another viewer pointed out that packaging instructions may vary depending on the brand or type of potatoes, suggesting that there might not be a universal rule for storing them. They noted, “My bag says to keep in a cool, dark, dry place, so maybe it depends on the potatoes.”

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