Boy Learns Math From Grandad Over Video Call And The Result Is...
Boy Learns Math From Grandad Over Video Call And The Result Is...
A woman shared a picture of her son learning math from his grandfather over a video call.

One of the strongest bonds often experienced is between grandchildren and their grandparents. Many children have the privilege of spending significant time with their grandparents, whether during vacations or on a regular basis. A recent social media post, shared on X by a user named Kimberly D. Manning, highlighted the enduring impact a grandfather had on his grandson. The post shared a heartwarming story of Manning’s son and father, resonating deeply with many who read it.

In her X post, Kimberly opened up about how her late father used to tutor her son in math over video calls, further adding that it had a positive influence on his studies. She also states that one should never underestimate the power of your influence—or intention. She also shared a picture of her son, studying with an ongoing video call with his grandfather.

“My late father tutored my son 2x per week in math all the way from California—and always had on a Tuskegee shirt when he did. Ha. His grandson is now a freshman at TU—and is strong in math to this day. NEVER underestimate the power of your influence—or intention,” the tweet read.

Shared on 26 February 2024, the tweet has gained a lot of attention on social media. With more than 8 lakh views, it has amassed more than 49,000 likes and several heartwarming reactions. A user wrote, “This is beautiful. I started remotely reading to my niece who lives in South Africa a few years back, and it’s been such a joy to see her reading progress! Thanks for sharing,” while another one commented, “Inspiring story! What a great (and wise) dad you had. Never underestimate the joy of learning and using math. A universal language of love and hope for those who study and share it. Bonds made over math endure lifelong. He will always remember your dad.”

“One of the most beautiful pictures full of so much unsaid but demonstrated significance!” a third user commented.

Social media users clearly seemed moved by Kimberly’s tweet.

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