Apple Watch Saved This Woman's Life by Detecting Atrial Fibrillation And Possible Stroke
Apple Watch Saved This Woman's Life by Detecting Atrial Fibrillation And Possible Stroke
The Apple Watch's heart rate sensor picked up the patient's atrial fibrillation symptoms with consistency, leading to a timely checkup and preventing any emergency.

A resident of Alabama, USA, who was recently gifted an Apple Watch by her husband last Christmas, has credited the smartwatch as being a life saver. Anne Rowe, who has had medical history of asthmatic conditions, was reportedly experiencing a syndrome called atrial fibrillation. Being a symptom that exhibits itself through irregular heart beats, the Apple Watch Series 4 reportedly picked up her heart symptoms with great precision, and seemingly played its part in urging Rowe to make a timely visit to the doctor's chamber. According to reports across the internet, Rowe has since had an open heart surgery, which has helped her prevent any possibility of a fatal heart stroke.

One of the key features of the Apple Watch Series 4 is electro-cardiogram (ECG), which lets the concerned Watch app chart an electrographic line depicting the regularity of heart rate. Ever since launch, the ECG facility on the Apple Watch has proved itself to be a critical medical facility, provided in a piece of technology that is typically seen as more of a lifestyle entity, than necessity. Rowe's case, which saw the Watch track her irregular heart beats, provide regular prompts and eventually lead her on to taking preventive healthcare steps, is one of the newest in Apple Watch's tryst with medical successes. In multiple cases in the recent past, the Apple Watch has been credited with detecting possible fatalities well in advance, thereby preventing heart strokes and other fatal occurences.

Incidentally, Apple is gearing up to launch a successor to the Watch Series 4. The new smartwatch, which is almost certainly going to be named Apple Watch Series 5, is expected to launch alongside the new iPhones at the Apple hardware event scheduled for next month. Not much is expected to change with the new Apple Watch in terms of features. However, the Watch Series 5 may see the return of the ceramic watch body, alongside a new titanium variant, as multiple reports have indicated the comeback of the premium Apple Watch Edition. More details shall be confirmed, once Apple officially launches its new products for 2019, in September.

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