The Fear of Missing Out Ruins Long Distance Relationships, Says Study
The Fear of Missing Out Ruins Long Distance Relationships, Says Study
Long distance relationships are hard: the physical distance may become emotional distance and communication between the partners becomes skewed

Promises and ground rules are established when a relationship first begins. To keep these commitments and adhere to these restrictions, you must both be content. You should talk to your long-distance partner about this agreement whenever you feel constrained, dissatisfied, or unwilling to uphold it.

“Over time feelings are likely to change. During the course of our lives it’s natural to come to a moment where our feelings about our relationship might change and we realize that something is missing or off with our partner. Usually we try to discuss these changes in the open and try new ways to overcome the issue. But sometimes discussing may come hard, either because the other person won’t listen or because other factors may affect communication. When this happens it is not uncommon for the person at fault to turn to infidelity. Infidelity is often seen as the cause of a break-up, when in reality it is most likely the symptom of a pre-existing crisis”, says Sybil Shiddell, Country Manager India, Gleeden.

Long distance relationships come twice as hard: the physical distance may become emotional distance and the effort required to keep a healthy and serene communication between the partners may at some point become too much to handle. A break-up is always scary – for many people the fear of being alone is just too much – and so we think that we can find what’s missing somewhere else without rocking the boat too much. After all, distance may come in handy.

According to a study released by the extramarital dating app Gleeden – that was commissioned to IPSOS who run it on a cross section of 1,500 Indian citizens – it has been estimated that 55% of Indians, including 54% men and 56% women, had already cheated on their present partner at least once at the time of the interview. These figures also show that Indians would rather cheat than simply end their marriage, find someone new, and file for divorce.

According to the same study, the main reasons for cheating are the boredom felt in the current relationship (44%), the lack of attention from the partner (42%) and sexual dissatisfaction (38%): all elements that can be pretty common in a long distance relationship. That doesn’t mean that long-distance relationships are doomed from the start. But they surely require more focus and effort to be successful.

In conclusion, in a long-distance relationship the physical and emotional distance between the partners may create needs (for intimacy, for attention, for romance, etc.) that if not addressed on time may lead one of the partners to look elsewhere to meet these needs.

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