Docs say he's better and is keen on returning home asap.
Eight years of Palestinian rocket attacks on Israeli towns sparked war.
Both were low-intensity blasts, both in BJP-ruled states.
The incident took place when the rail blockade by over 3000 Gujjars turned violent.
No matter how great of a relationship you share with another person, at some point things are going to feel a bit stale — the same routines, the same annoying habits, the same predictable experiences. This is natural when two people are together for any...
Whether you’re worried about dressing appropriately for your new job or you simply want to make sure your top is on point before you hit the town, it’s important to make sure your outfit suits the situation. Dressing appropriately is essential if you want...
Detained Indian doctor Haneef on Wednesday was allowed to speak to his wife.
The inflation has declined to 6.63 per cent for the week ended February 10, compared to 6.73 per cent in the previous week.
The high-tech fabrics used for underwear encapsulate slimming agents, perfumes and creams.
Chanchal Modok, who was who was kidnapped on December 4, was freed at Sreekona village in Assam’s Cachar district.
Pak Foreign Minister Kasuri said joining US in its international war on terror was a compulsion not a choice.
Keeping your lips moisturized can be an ongoing battle, especially in the winter. There is a lipid (fatty/waxy) layer in all of your skin cells, even in your lips. This lipid layer keeps water from escaping from your skin, but sometimes it can start thinn...
Nepal Maoists free official, after a month of holding him hostage during the country’s political upheaval.
While Darna Zaroori Hai is not a hardcore 'horror', Gangster is gripping and The Mistress of Spices proves magic realism is not one of the easiest themes to pull off.
In martial arts, becoming an instructor represents the final step in your journey as a student and the first towards eventual mastery of a style. Helping new students hone their skills can be a demanding yet rewarding application of years of hard training...