National Achievement Survey to be Conducted in Regional Languages, CBSE Constitutes Committee
National Achievement Survey to be Conducted in Regional Languages, CBSE Constitutes Committee
CBSE has constituted a National Steering Committee for the conduct of NAS.

Over 38 lakh students from 1.23 lakh schools in 733 districts across the country will participate in the National Achievement Survey (NAS) that is going to take place on November 12.

The survey will cover the entire spectrum of schools, including government schools, government-aided schools, and private schools across the country are aimed at classes three, five, eight and 10.

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While the instrument development, testing, finalisation of test items, sampling of schools, etc. have been done by NCERT, the actual administration of the test in the sampled schools will be done by the CBSE in collaboration with the respective states and union territories

NAS will be conducted in regional languages, mathematics & EVS for class three & five; language, mathematics, science and social science for class eight and Language, Mathematics, Science, Social Science and English for class 10. The test would be conducted in 22 mediums of instruction covering Assamese, Bengali, English, Gujarati and so on.

Latest NSA to be held in Nov 2017

The last National Achievement Survey (NAS) was held on November 13, 2017 for assessing the competencies developed by the children at grade levels three, five, and eight. The next round of NAS will be held on November 12 across the country, which will help to assess the learning interruptions and new learnings during the COVID pandemic and help to take remedial measures.

For smooth and fair conduct of the survey, 1,82,488 Field Investigators, 1,23,729 Observers, 733 District Level Coordinators and District Nodal Officers separately and 36 State Nodal Officers in each State and UT, have been appointed. Also, 1500 Board Representatives have been appointed in the districts for monitoring overall functioning and ensuring fair conduct of the Survey. All the personnel have been provided extensive training regarding their roles and responsibilities.

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