Malayalam film Ajagajantharam, starring Antony Varghesem became a huge success at the box-office upon its release in 2021. A new update on a potential sequel of the release has delighted the fans, as the makers themselves have hinted at it. Here are all the details related to it. The film’s scriptwriters, Kichu Tellus and Vineeth Viswam took to their Instagram handles to share a joint post hinting at an Ajagajantharam sequel. The two are seen in a selfie sharing a smile. While the caption on the post reads, “Ajagajantharam 2 loading.”
As per more information, Tinu Pappachan will be returning to direct the project. According to the makers, the film is going to be a “festive entertainer.” Interacting with the media, scriptwriter Vineeth Viswam provided more details on the project. He stated, “Pepe (Antony Varghese) will be back as Lali and we’re also hoping to bring back the other main actors from the first part. The sequel will be much bigger in terms of scale and budget.” He added that they plan to take the film on floors by the end of this year or early next year.
The original release Ajagajantharam is based on a rivalry between two mahouts and some locals, which takes place during a temple festival. The film is dubbed as an action thriller. Ajagajantharam was directed by Tinu Pappachan and had its theatrical release on December 23, 2021. The film stars Antony Varghese and Arjun Ashokan. They are supported by Kichu Tellus, Sabumon Abdusamad, Vineeth Vishwam and many others. The film is produced by Emmanuel Joseph and Ajith Thalapilly under the banner of Silver Bay Studios. The music is given by Justin Varghese, while the cinematography is done by Jinto George and the editor is Shameer Muhammed. The film became a success at the box-office.
The film’s lead was last seen in Chaaver, also a Tinu Pappachan directorial released last year. It starred Kunchacko Boban, Arjun Ashokan and Antony Varghese as the leads. It is produced under Arun Narayan Productions and Kavya Film Company banners.
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