Actor Ghanshyam Nayak, who plays the role of Nattu Kaka in popular TV show Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah, was diagnosed with cancer earlier this year. The 77-year-old actor is being treated for the disease and is undergoing chemotherapy sessions every month for the same. Recently, TMKOC fan page shared a few pictures of the actor with his fans from the sets of the show. In the pictures, the actor looks rather weak and one side of his face seems to be swelled.
Read: Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah Actor Ghanshyam Nayak aka Nattu Kaka Dies Battling Cancer
Ghanshyam, who has not let the deadly disease stop him from working, earlier said in an interview with Spotboye that he had flown for a special scene as the producer of the show Asit Modi had called him for the same. He also revealed that he is feeling well now and his doctors have also permitted him to work. The actor went on to mention that he enjoyed shooting as he was back to what he loves, after four months. Furthermore, the cast and crew of the show were also extremely happy to see him back and took extra care of him.
The actor had developed a lump in his throat in September last year. He had also undergone surgery for the same. However, in April this year, he was diagnosed with knots in his neck and has been undergoing chemotherapy since then. The news of his cancer was confirmed by his son Vikas.
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