Mindfulness: Conquer the World But Start with Your Own Ego
Mindfulness: Conquer the World But Start with Your Own Ego
Stories of Panchtantra introduce us to the desired principles of personal behavior, jobs and business. Animals and birds are the characters of these stories.

Your behavior matters a lot. Neem and mango never exchanges qualities despite being in the same orchard. Perhaps man is the only organism that become egoist after success. His politeness decreases and he easily drifts towards finding faults in others.

The world is going to be changed to a great extent due to the coronavirus. So, it is necessary to understand the meaning of life in a broader sense. Jobs, businesses and education are going to see radical changes. Now is the time to follow the path as per our own nature than the way it was told by others.

We have earned our education in such a way that it becomes useless after getting a job. Moral values, Love, affection, all become irrelevant. In Panchtantra, Pandit Vishnu Sharma takes help from stories for moral education. His teachings are well connected with life while our education is far aloof.

Stories of Panchtantra introduce us to the desired principles of personal behavior, jobs and business. Animals and birds are the characters of these stories. Think for a while, there was an era when our rulers were educated through stories. But today we are eager to leave the morals and values.

Once a teacher went to meet a Zen master. He said, “Sometimes I get angry. I become something I am not. Please help me.” The master replied, “Something that comes occasionally is not your nature. Don’t get bothered by this. Focus on your innate nature. This will heal the weed of your anger automatically.”

Sometimes we worry too much for becoming something else than desired. We all need to recognise our innate nature and handle it.

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