Have You Started Your Weight Loss Journey? Your Plate Should Have These 5 Things
Have You Started Your Weight Loss Journey? Your Plate Should Have These 5 Things
Balanced amount of protein, fat and carbs on your plate will help you lose those extra kilos faster

Every year, we make a few New Year resolutions on repeat and one of them is staying fit. And why not. A balanced diet having essential nutrients leads to a healthy lifestyle where we enjoy both physical and mental wellbeing. And, that’s why people join the gym or start following new fitness routines in January. However, it is also important to realize that along with working out, you also need to focus on your diet as it contributes to your fitness goal as much as exercising. A balanced amount of protein, fat and carbs on your plate will help you lose those extra kilos faster. So, without further ado, check out how your healthy and balanced meal should look like:

The Power Of Protein

The importance of protein in our day-to-day meals is sometimes underestimated. A quarter of your plate should have protein. For those who are vegetarians, tofu, beans, chickpeas and nuts are rich sources of protein. Others can also have poultry, seafood and dairy foods. Avoid processed meats as much as possible. In short, your body should get between 50 grams-70 grams of protein each day.

Nothing Like Good Carbs

Carbohydrates are very important for your health as not all of them lead to weight gain, some also help you to stay fit. Just like protein, carbs should also cover a quarter of your plate. You can include fruits, vegetables and low-fat milk products along with nuts, grains, seeds and vegetables in your meals.

Fat Isn’t Bad Always

Include healthy fats in your meals every day. Just one or two tablespoons of good fat per meal should be enough for you. Plant oils, nuts, and fish are considered some of the best sources of good fat. Also, on that note, minimize the intake of saturated fat like cakes, bacon, sausages and trans-fat like pizza as they might slow down your fitness routines.

Count Fiber In Too

Make your meal a fibre-filled diet whenever possible. Whole grains, vegetables and fruits should cover most of your plate. Try beans, avocados, broccoli, apples, berries and dried fruits in your meals and the result will definitely surprise you.

Don’t Forget Calcium

Calcium is important for your body and bones. But milk isn’t always enough. Eating sesame, celery, and chia seeds, as well as cheese, yogurt and almonds will help you reach your fitness goal real quick.

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