Christmas in 100 Words: How to Write a Paragraph on Xmas!
Christmas in 100 Words: How to Write a Paragraph on Xmas!
Christmas 2023: Many educational institutions leverage the festive atmosphere by organizing writing competitions or encouraging students to craft creative essays on Christmas.

CHRISTMAS 2023: On December 25th, people across the globe come together to celebrate the joyous occasion of Christmas. It is a time for families and friends to gather, share warmth, and revel in the festive spirit. While the holiday season brings immense excitement for children, who eagerly anticipate the exchange of gifts and the closure of schools, it is equally important for them to comprehend the deeper significance of this celebration.

Many educational institutions leverage the festive atmosphere by organizing writing competitions or encouraging students to craft creative essays on Christmas. This serves as a meaningful way to instill the true essence of the season in young minds. Here are some valuable tips for students aiming to compose a creative short essay on Christmas. Remember to include all these points in order to excel.

How To Write About Christmas In 100 Words?

While writing your essay, do not assume that the readers know the basics about the festival. Give a comprehensive introduction, including the date and why this day is commemorated globally.

Once you have given the readers a basic idea, delve into the significance of the festival. Tell your readers the story of Jesus Christ and his impact. Make sure to keep it short and not go too deep into the historical background.

You can wind up your essay in two ways. Either by giving a personal account or a general perception of the occasion.

If you choose to go with the personal account, tell your readers how you celebrate the day and what aspect of the festival entices you the most. This not only lends a unique touch to your essay but also assists you in thinking creatively about it. However, one must be aware not to indulge too much, as it is easy to get swayed when recalling personal experiences.

If the student wants to generalise the essay, instead of focusing on how to celebrate, try to write about unique customs surrounding the occasion. This will require you to do some research, but you will surely ace the competition at school or if you are to give a speech in the assembly.

Before beginning, make sure you have a framework. Trying to think of the next line once you start on your essay might end up breaking the flow and prove difficult to stick to the given word limit. Hence, make pointers ahead and stick to them while completing the essay.

Christmas is a joyous occasion, and therefore the students should keep in mind that they should take a happy and cheerful tone when writing about it. A serious write-up may not be able to bring out the emotions associated with the festival.

Sample To Write 100 Words Of Endless Wonder

Christmas, marked on December 25th, is a celebration of joy and togetherness. Families come together, share delicious meals and exchange festive gifts beneath twinkling lights—a cherished tradition. It commemorates the birth of Jesus Christ. Although the Bible doesn’t specify the exact date, December 25th was chosen to align with existing pagan festivals such as Saturnalia and Sol Invictus in Roman tradition. Amid festive decorations and the hush of falling snow, Christmas becomes a special time and brings love and warmth.

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