Are You Fed Up With Coffee Jitters? Follow these 3 Simple Tips To Make Your Morning more Energetic
Are You Fed Up With Coffee Jitters? Follow these 3 Simple Tips To Make Your Morning more Energetic
Coffee-jitters and deficiencies are to be blamed on the frequent consumption of coffee

Coffee is a staple beverage enjoyed by most people across the globe. It gives the much-needed energy boost that one requires to kick start their day on a strong foot. But do you know apart from filling your body with a jolt of energy, coffee can also deplete your body’s vital nutrients?

Recently, nutritionist Bhakti Kapoor took to social media to highlight how one can make their coffee experience more enjoyable by inculcating simple and effective methods. Before giving her secret tips, Kapoor stated that morning coffee sometimes makes a person feel a little agitated and anxious. According to her, these coffee-jitters and deficiencies are to be blamed on the frequent consumption of coffee.

She explained, “The presence of caffeine in coffee, also referred to as the nectar of the gods, is well known. This is what gives us the morning jolt we need. But coffee contains more than just caffeine. In addition to being a stimulant, coffee is also acidic and diuretic. As a result, coffee will both give you energy and deplete some of your body’s vital resources.”

Bhakti Kapoor further detailed three easy tips that can make one’s coffee experience enriching with fewer side effects and it all depends on how you start your day.

Tip 1: Start with good fats

The nutritionist recommended always starting the day with good fats. She elaborated, “Your body has fasted for a number of hours in the night. Coffee is acidic in nature and, hence, shouldn’t be the first food you ingest in your body.”

Tip 2: Give priority to nourishment

Although coffee is acidic in nature, the use of a nourishing agent can help lessen its unfavourable side effects. Kapoor suggests, “add some collagen creamer which makes your coffee more nourishing.”

Tip 3: Consume coffee between 9.30 to 10.30

Lastly, the nutritionist recommended consuming coffee between 9.30 to 10.30 after the body’s natural cortisol spike. She said, “try and delay your coffee drinking time to around 9:30-10:30 am which is after your natural cortisol spike in the body.” What is a cortisol spike you may ask? For those unaware, cortisol is also known as the stress hormone, whose levels vary throughout the day. However, it is medically determined that cortisol spikes are higher in the morning due to diurnal rhythm, which is a body’s natural internal cycle that regulates the sleep-wake pattern and repeats it every 24 hours. These rapid spikes can result in muscle weakness, weight gain, and other health issues.

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