Tunisia: protesters call for the ouster of PM
Tunisia: protesters call for the ouster of PM
Tunisians want resignation of PM Mohamed Ghannouchi, a former ally of the ousted president.

Tunis: Tens of thousands of people filled the streets of central Tunis on Friday in what they called a "day of rage," calling for the resignation of Prime Minister Mohamed Ghannouchi, a former ally of the ousted president.

Security forces fired in the air in an unsuccessful attempt to disperse the rally, the biggest since uprisings in North Africa's most developed country ended President Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali's 23-year rule on January 14 and sparked pro-democracy protests across the Arab world, witnesses said.

Protesters, some carrying images of Ghannouchi's face merging seamlessly into that of the Ben Ali's, shouted "shame on the government!" and "Ghannouchi step down!" in a din that could be heard for miles.

"The only demand we have is the end of this government," said Alia Soussi, a 22-year-old student joining the protest. "We hope Ghannouchi gets the message."

The interim government charged with organising elections to replace Ben Ali has already undergone several changes after street protests, but Ghannouchi, seen by some as an asset for his familiarity with the country's affairs, has remained.

He was prime minister for more than a decade under Ben Ali's rule, which Tunisians saw as oppressive and corrupt.

Military helicopters circled over the rally, which formed in defiance of a government ban on demonstrations since Ben Ali's ouster on January 14. The protesters remained in place despite security forces firing warning shots in the air, and there was no evidence of injuries.

Earlier on Friday, demonstrators protested in Tunis against Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi's bloody crackdown on an uprising that was inspired by revolts in Tunisia and Egypt.

Gaddafi loyalists have killed scores of protesters in the North African oil exporter country and thousands of people -- including large numbers of Egyptians -- have been streaming across Tunisia's border to escape.

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