Senior citizens can now inherit happiness
Senior citizens can now inherit happiness
THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: Senior citizens with inherited property can also get loans now under the  Reverse Mortgage Loan facility ..

THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: Senior citizens with inherited property can also get loans now under the  Reverse Mortgage Loan facility announced by the Central Government in the   2007-08 Union Budget. The scheme was  introduced by the National Housing Bank, but  nationalised  as well as  scheduled commercial banks had put a spoke in its implementation by denying  loan to senior citizen borrowers with inherited property.  Banks rejected their applications insisting that loans can be granted only if the property  was “self -occupied and self- acquired with a clear title”.The banks were forced to review the scheme  because of the one-man struggle undertaken by  S Gopalakrishnan Nair, 70, of  Resmi, T/C 2024, Chirakulam Road, Thiruvananthapuram. He was  shocked when he approached  five nationalised banks in 2010 for a loan under the  RML facility. The banks flatly refused to consider his application on the ground  that   his house was built on inherited property.“Though I have owned the land and house for the last 38 years  and have a clear title deed and freehold without encumbrances, the banks were of the view that I should have a sale deed to claim RML,” he told Express.He wrote to the chairman and MD of the NHB in April 2010. But he got no reply for months.  Following this, he approached  Shashi Tharoor MP  seeking his intervention.Taking a serious note of the issue, Tharoor wrote to the NHB  CMD R V Verma pointing  out that it was incongruous and even silly to insist that the words “self -acquired’’ should  exclude  ownership  based on inheritance. “The inherited property also should be considered if the title of the property is clear,’’ he insisted.Verma wrote to Tharoor that the rationale behind the clause “self -occupied, self- acquired and clear tittle’’ in the guidelines was to safeguard the interest of the lenders and  not to prohibit inherited properties. Later, the NHB sent a  circular memorandum to all lending agencies in this regard and advised them to  consider the senior citizen borrowers  with  inherited property also.As per the original scheme, parents who own a self-occupied  house and a small piece of land, can  mortgage it in a  bank and withdraw equated monthly or quarterly instalment of the loan amount  for 20 years to sustain themselves. The children or the legal heir of the senior citizens can repay the amount and get the property released within the stipulated loan  period of 15 to 20 years or after the death of borrower whichever is earlier. In case they fail to repay, the property would be attached and auctioned and the legitimate amount would be claimed by the lenders.

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