RSS launches website on Moplah rebellion
RSS launches website on Moplah rebellion

The Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) has launched a website on ‘Moplah rebellion’ which is meant, according to it, exclusively for presenting the history in the right perspective and pointing out the distortion of historical facts to the young generation.

The website carries the time line of the riots, picture gallery and, more importantly, certain links facilitating the  netizens to pay their homage to the ‘unsung Hindu martyrs.’

Moreover, it has been pointed out that the Left Government in Kerala had even offered pension to the rioters.

The site launched by the Thiruvananthapuram Mahanagar Vichar Vibhag has already had over 4000 hits within three days of its launch, says J Nandakumar, Akhila Bharatheeya Sahapracharak of the RSS.

He told ‘Express’ that it was part of the efforts of the Sangh to utilise the social media to reach out to the younger generation by presenting historical truths without giving any twist to the facts.

“You may have noticed that in the introduction to the launch of the site we have given the Khilafat Movement’s efforts to stop paying toll for ferrying to British Government. We don’t want to twist history. But while we condemn Wagon Tragedy as a barbaric act, we should not fail to see the massacre of Hindus at Tuvvur by Muslim assailants,’’ he said.

While ‘Wagon Tragedy’ is taught in the history classes as part of the Moplah riots, the gruesome massacre of Tuvvur had not been given even a mention in the history books. The murderers at Tuvvur were after the victims, men who assisted the troops, the coolies who assisted the Gurkhas.

They were murdered at Vengur while in Muthumana Illam it was refusal to convert which resulted in the killing. Nandakumar said the timing of the launch of the website was not that significant.

What matters is a revisit to the great human tragedy which claimed over 10,000 lives besides leaving over one lakh people homeless and precipitating untold miseries.

‘Secular cinemas and plays try to paint it white while some others go  one step further justifying the riots as part of the freedom struggle,’ the home page says. The website describes the rebellion as an ‘illicit offspring’ of the tie-up between Mahatma Gandhi and the Muslim League.

A click on the link ‘Haindava Keralam’ - global community of dedicated Hindu Keralites - will bring in more details of the rebellion.

Though the website is critical of Gandhiji’s stand towards Muslim brothers, his comments on the Moplah riots have been given prominently in the site.

‘My heart bleeds to think that Moplah brethren have gone mad, I am grieved to think that they have looted Hindu homes leaving hundreds of men and women homeless and they have killed officers. I am grieved to think that they have endeavoured forcibly to convert Hindus to Islam and by all these acts they have done an injury.’ Gandhiji’s comments reportedly made on September 19, 1921 at Trichi has been included.

B R Ambedkar describes the riots as ‘brutal and unrestrained barbarism.’  ‘As a rebellion against the British Government it was quite understandable. But what baffled most was the massacres, forcible conversions, desecration of temples, foul outrages upon women, such as ripping open pregnant women, arson and destruction - in short, all the accompaniments of brutal and unrestrained barbarism, were perpetrated freely by the Moplahs upon the Hindus...’ Ambedkar observed.

Nandakumar said that they had not included any of their observations. Instead, we used the comments of personalities like Gandhiji, Ambedkar and Annie Besant ‘’to be fair to the cause,’’ he said.

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