Nursery admission confusion may be over today
Nursery admission confusion may be over today
Will court give a Children's Day gift to kids and parents? The story so far.

New Delhi: The confusion over nursery admissions in Delhi may finally be over. The Delhi High court is expected to decide on the criteria of nursery admission to Capital’s schools on Tuesday.

Scores of parents have been anxiously waiting for the court to clear the air about the process. The Ganguly committee's 100-point criteria had given parents across Delhi a sense of what to expect, but the latest affidavit by the government rejecting the committee's suggestions has only resulted in confusion.

The government has decided to maintain autonomy of all schools and has said that:

  • Every school will decide its own admission criteria.
  • But interviews and lottery systems have been ruled out.
  • There will be an admission schedule that will be followed every year with forms being issued from November 30

"They have ruled out interviews for the kids. But the loopholes for interviewing the parents still remain which they can use to arm twist parents into giving donations," says High Court lawyer, Ashok Aggarwal.

The court will also decide on an application that challenges the High Court's earlier order on age eligibility for students to begin formal schooling.

A group of private schools have said children must go to class one at the age of six and not five as the HC has ruled. But for the parents, fresh applications have only meant more confusion.

"They have turned the clock backward. The very purpose of this PIL was to save parents from the clutches of the schools who demanded donations in the name of admission. But the government's affidavit is defeating the entire purpose of this exercise,” says Aggarwal.

From one date to the other, from one affidavit to another, parents have waited two years for the final word in the nursery admission case. Barely three weeks away from a new admission season the answer is still not clear.

Parents are now hopeful that may be on this children's day they will finally know what the future holds for their children.

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