Non-Hindus barred to enter Navratri venues, people to put tilak, sprinkle cow-urine on themselves
Non-Hindus barred to enter Navratri venues, people to put tilak, sprinkle cow-urine on themselves
Hindu Sangathan Yuva Morcha claimed that this is being done to check cases of harassment of women at Navratri venues.

Kutch: With a week to go for Navratri, a little known outfit in Kutch has decided to impose a ban on entry of non-Hindus into Navratri venues. The Hindu Sangathan Yuva Morcha said that even Hindus who want to enter the venues will have to get a 'tilak' applied on their foreheads and cow urine sprinkled on themselves before entering.

The outfit claimed that this is being done to check cases of harassment of women at Navratri venues and this screening will ensure that only genuine garba enthusiasts will be allowed.

There are six garba venues open for the public in Mandvi.

Hindu Yuva Sangathan President Raghuvirsinh Jadeja said, "Any person who looks at our mothers and sisters with wrong intentions is a sinner."

Garba enthusiasts, however, are not in favour of the diktat. Muslim community leaders also have appealed that the diktat be withdrawn to preserve communal harmony.

Qasim Traya, a garba enthusiast, said, "Whether its Id or Navratri, we celebrate the festivals in harmony."

Another garba entusiast Ravindra Sabharwal said, "Such diktats really do not help at all. Navratri is celebrated by everybody in Gujarat, irrespective of religion."

Haji Juma Rayma, General Secretary of Kutch Muslim Hitrakshak Samiti, said, "This diktat should be withdrawn."

But this is not the first time that such attempts are being made in Gujarat. In 2014 also, an organisation had banned Muslims from entering garba venues in Godhra.

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