The National Informatics Centre (NIC) has extended the last date for submission of online applications for the post of Scientist ‘B’ and Scientific/ Technical staff – ‘A’ to April 30. The window for online applications will be open till 5 pm of April 30. The notification for the extension can be checked at recruitment.nic.in.
Candidates can apply for the posts by visiting National Institute of Electronics and Information Technology (NIELIT)’s official website – calicut.nielit.in/nic.
“The eligibility conditions, cut off date for age, qualification, experience for applying for the posts shall remain unchanged i.e.,26 March 2020,” reads the notification released by NIELIT.
Candidates are advised to check eligibility, age limit, reservation, mode of recruitment among other things by visiting the recruitment portal – calicut.nielit.in/nic.
A total of 495 vacancies will be filled through the direct recruitment basis. The recruitment is being done by the National Institute of Electronics and Information Technology (NIELIT) on behalf of National Informatics Centre (NIC).
NIC Recruitment 2020: How to apply
Step 1) Visit the official recruitment portal – calicut.nielit.in/nic.
Step 2) Click on the ‘Registration’ section.
Step 3) Enter your credentials and press on the ‘Register’ option.
Step 4) Go for Online Payment option.
Step 5) Click on the submit option.
Step 6) Take a print out of the application for future reference.
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