Indian porn sites favoured by Pakistanis
Indian porn sites favoured by Pakistanis says an Indian site with mobile phone porn clips and MMS pictures was among 10 sites accessed by Pakis.

New Delhi: A survey by - the website which ranks other websites by the number of visitors on a site - has said that an Indian website containing mobile phone porn clips, multi-media messaging service (MMS) pictures, erotic stories, 'masala' videos and mujra (cabaret dance) videos was among the top ten websites accessed by Pakistanis.

According to a report in PTI, other websites frequently visited by Pakistanis include sites for finding dates and marriage matches, games, Indian film songs and Pakistani pop songs.

The website of a leading group of publication in Pakistan was at the 21st position on the Alexa rating while a website on cricket was the 17th most frequently visited website by Pakistanis, PTI quoted the Daily Times as saying.

These rating websites tell surfers the ranking of websites across the Internet, PTI quoted Zaigham Mehmood, a computer network administrator of a private company as saying.

(With inputs from PTI)I

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