IBNlive Chat: Answers to your queries on Psoriasis.
IBNlive Chat: Answers to your queries on Psoriasis.
Founder of Dr Batras' Health Clinic, Dr Mukesh Batra answered your queries on Psoriasis.

B N Srinivasa: My hair is falling due to tension, please advice how can I stop it?

Dr Mukesh Batra: : There are 30-40 different types of hair fall. Consult our doctors in Bangalore who will help you to find an answer to your problem.

V Pai: What are the remedies on Homoeopathy presently available? Is it totally curable?

Dr Mukesh Batra: The remedies in Homoeopathy depends upon a lot of factors and are chosen after a detail case history .The cure depends upon the cause and extent of the disease.

Premprakash: I developed Psoriasis in Feb 2005. Previously it was on entire body and scalp. But I am currently suffering from severe scalp and ear Psoriasis with few patches left on the rest of the body.

I have done extensive ayurvedic and homeopathy course but have not got permanent results. Can this be cured from roots?

Dr Mukesh Batra: Some times there can be seasonal variation and other factors can trigger the problem , in that case you need to take treatment for a longer period of time to prevent it further complication. We have seen very good results at our clinic for Psoriasis .

Prasad: I have been suffering from Psoriasis since the age of 16. Between 16 and 30 it affected only as a small portion on my thigh and the scalp.

It then subsided and resurfaced when I was 32 and has been there consistently on my back, arms, face and stomach. The scalp is also scaly. I have been using Dovinex cream and scalp solution.

It reduces when I apply but is not cured completely. I have tried all the skin specialists and Ayurveda but to no avail. Well there seems to be no cure on the Allopathic side. Do you from your research know of a permanent cure?

Dr Mukesh Batra: Generally Psoriasis starts between 20-30 yrs of age. The fact it is recurring shows that there is some maintaining reasons which could be stress. We have had many cases of permanent cure with homoeopathy. However the treatment needs to be continued for the long period of time.

Anand: I am sorry to say this but homeopathy is an unproven science. It has no scientific basis to claim that it can cure any diseases.

It is based on pseudo-science and its claim to fame is its prescriptions of concoctions that are made using weird formulas and methods that are never tested nor approved by the FDA in the US. That being the case, why do you practice homeopathy?

Dr Mukesh Batra: There are double blind trails conducted all over the world to show the efficacy of homeopathy .It is an accepted science internationally and WHO has listed it as the second largest medical science in the world .The US FDA has approved homeopathy and also had guidelines for preparation of homeopathic medications. Hope your misconceptions are clarified.

Neeraj Goyal: What are the symptoms of Psoriasis? I have a few marks on my back, does homeopathy provide treatment for the same. I have heard that there is a danger that the marks could cover the entire body if the medication is not proper. Is that in anyway true?

Dr Mukesh Batra: Psoriasis is roughness of the skin with increased scaling .This marks could be any other disease. Get yourself consulted to a doctor to get the proper diagnosis.

Srikanth: I need some clarification on Psoriasis. I am 30-years-old and have been suffering from dandruff for the past 15 years. It's a special kind of dandruff that comes off in small sized palets and it's heavy.

For the last five years, the same type of pallet formation is seen on my moustache, beard and on one of the eyebrows. My doubt is whether this phenomenon is dandruff or Psoriasis? Either way, can you suggest any remedies?


Dr Mukesh Batra: This could be Psoriaisis or Sebborhoiec dermatitis , you can come to our clinic and we will help you with the diagnosis. The treatment will depend upon the diagnosis.

Jaimuni: I have been suffering with this disease for the past 15 years. It appears to be retreated during most part of the year and spreads rapidly while winter sets in.

I heard from some of the patients who got treatment from Batras’ were very unhappy and felt cheated. I am advised by them not to venture into Batras as it was only a publicity stunt. Tell me where the truth lies?

Dr Mukesh Batra: We have 90 per cent satisfaction rating which is externally audited .We prefer to let this speak for its self .Come to us and definitely find a good answer to your problem .

Venkat: I have a patch on the right side of abdomen, slightly red in colour and is itchy at times. Some days it's effect is much and on some days it is dormant. I apply Qudriderm and it used to provide some relief. But now I do not see much of response. I basically sweat and slightly overweight. Please advise.

Dr Mukesh Batra: From what you describe it seems to be a fungal infection of the skin. Keep the parts dry and loose some weight.

Mallikarjun Javvaji: I have been suffering from Psoriasis for the past 10 years and I am now 36. Is this disease heritable? I am worried whether my son who is 6-years-old now might develop this condition in the near future. Is there any permanent cure for this? I have tried all the available medicines in the country. Currently, I am using Sterno-s lotion for my scalp and Betasalic cream for topical application. I need your valuable advice.

Dr Mukesh Batra: Psoriasis can be genetic and can be passed on in families . Have you tried homeopathy for your problem?

Apurva Mehta: I have Psoriasis since 10 years. I took homeopathy medicines and its totally under control. I think this disease can be only controlled though our mind if you are relaxed its all well. I wanted to ask is there any problems due to Psoriasis in the future?

Dr Mukesh Batra: If your Psoriasis is cured for 10 years than you should not have problem. I am glad homeopathy was able to provide a permanent cure for you. Psoriasis can also increase with stress therefore it ids important to keep stress and control and meditate. You also need to moisturise your skin.

Jayve: If Psoriasis is a genetic problem, how can Homeopathy guarantee eradication of the problem. I tried Homeopathy for quite sometime and the Dr normally finds fault on me as he suspects I am not taking the dosage as recommended and that I may not be following the strict diet restrictions.

Dr Mukesh Batra: Psoriasis is not always genetic .Generally homeopathy should not follow strict diet restrictions .

Pramod Kumar: Homeopathy is an expensive form of treatment. A person like me desperately wants to get the treatment for this problem, I have a gut feeling that you can cure me but I do not have enough money. Can you suggest anything for this as I have been suffering for the last six years only legs and feet.

Dr Mukesh Batra: We have free clinic every 1st Monday for people who can't afford .You can contact us through www.drbatras.com .We will be more than happy to help you and any one who can't afford treatment .


Abishek: When Homeopathy can cure Psoriasis why don't you guys come into an agreement with allopathic doctors and treat patients?

Allopaths accepted that they couldn’t cure this as of now, at least till they get a permanent cure, why don't they forward their patients to homeopaths? Similarly, homeopaths can recommend the allopaths whom you think can't be treated using homeopathy. After all, doctors are here to cure the disease.

Dr Mukesh Batra: You are right ,homeopathy and allopathy should be used in combination for the best results to the patient. We are working towards building on this.

Vineet Malhotra: I am suffering from Psoriasis for last 13 years. Presently I am based in Gulf. My problem has aggravated little bit. I started with an Ayurvedic treatment from Kerala. It has been more than a month, but I don’t see any major difference. What steps can I take?

Dr Mukesh Batra: One month would be too early for any treatment to show result

Sarvani: My sister suffers from Psoriasis very badly. She has lots of dandruff and at times and she develops patches all over her body. It gets worse during days of cold weather and she has tried several medicines. Is there a cure to this? What medicines can she use for this?

Dr Mukesh Batra: The scaling of scalp is not dandruff but Psoriasis in her case .Psoriasis generally gets worse in winter because of dry air .Its good to use mild soap and moisturise the skin all times. Homoepathy can answer this problem very well.

Bittu: What is the root cause of Psoriasis?

Dr Mukesh Batra: Psoriasis is an auto-immune condition can be triggered of by stress, illness, certain medications, diet and environment factors.

Sanjay: I am being treated for veiling from your Thane Branch but there is no improvement of the white patches.

Dr Mukesh Batra: Please give me code numbers and name so that I can look into your case and advise the doctor accordingly.

SKS: How much time it will take to cure Psoriasis and also is it permanent treatment?

Dr Mukesh Batra: As per WHO you need to be patch free for five years to be termed as cured.

Ashraf: Is Psoriasis completely curable? Tell me of some important medicines you used successfully?

Dr Mukesh Batra: The extent of cure depends upon the age , extent of patches, area covered and causative factors .The medicines are selected based upon the history given by the patient and will vary from patient to patient depending upon the individuality of the case .

Vijay: Is there any cure for Psoriasis?

Dr Mukesh Batra: Yes, there is a cure to Psoriasis but it depends upon many factors .

Srigouri: I am a 40-year-old software professional. I have been suffering from Psoriasis since the age of four and am continuing to suffer even now although to a lesser extent.

I have been using almost all types of medicines like English Medicines, Homeopathy, Ayurvedic and Unani. My question to you is would the use of these various types of medicines have affected my becoming a father to a child, as I got married four years ago and am not having children in spite of taking treatment for infertility.

Also please clarify if my wife conceives what are the chances that my child would also suffer from Psoriasis.

Dr Mukesh Batra: No, Psoriasis doesn't cause infertility neither medications taken will affect the same .You can consult us for both .Psoriasis do run in the family .There is 30 per cent chance of passing from parent to offspring .

Anon1: Does drinking Safi blood purifier help?

Dr Mukesh Batra: I am unaware of any scientific evidence showing the benefit of Safi in Psoriasis. In my opinion it will not help.

Poonam Singh: My daughter is suffering from Psoriasis vulgaris since eight years. She is 21, after taking homeopathic medicines from Pune it has erupted all over the body. Is there any cure now?

Dr Mukesh Batra: She has gone in to erythrodermic Psoriasis which is complication of Psoriasis. But it still can be treated but will require long duration treatment for the same.

Neethya: I am suffering from Psoriasis for the last 11 years. I am 24 now. I have left non-veg food as I felt the disease gets severe while taking non-veg dishes. When climatic conditions are cold it increases. Now am residing in Bangalore. I have tried homeopathy also but nothing worked out. Could suggest ways to reduce the effects?

Dr Mukesh Batra: Food habits will not help you , you need to take well selected homeopathic remedy .You can visit any of our six clinics in Banglore for help.

Deepak: I have been suffering from this for than eight years. I tried everything and now I am having a stint at Batra's for the last two years. The patches have reduced a bit but it is coming back again. How long will I have to continue with the treatment?

Dr Mukesh Batra: Your patches reducing is definitely a good sign .Give me your code number and clinic name and I will look into your case.

Amitabha: My three-and-a half-year-old daughter has got a white patch in the left cheek near her lips. I showed her to a lot of doctors but there was no improvement. They say its vitiligo. Can you assure me some relief?

Dr Mukesh Batra: Vitiligo can be cured, but takes time .Early morning sun exposure is good for the patches and helps to fasten the speed of treatment .

M VS Prasad: I am 27 and suffering from Psoriasis from 10 years. I have used all kinds of medicines like Homeopathy, Allopathy but to no avail. Can you please advice any medicine and is there any permanent cure for this?

Dr Mukesh Batra: Visit one of our clinic closest to your house, our doctors will help you further.

Nikesh: I have Psoriasis only on my scalp. A little stuff came on my lower legs but it has gone. What has to be done?

Dr Mukesh Batra: In 50 per cent of cases Scalp Psoriasis remains on the scalp and doesn't spread to other parts of the body. You need to take the RX to find the permanent answers to your problem.

M VS Prasad: Will Psoriasis increase because of work pressure especially for a software engineer?

Dr Mukesh Batra: Studies shows that the Psoriasis is closely linked to stress and can increase because of any kind of stress including work pressure .Homeopathic medications help to alter the body response to stress.


Padma: I have been suffering from Psoriasis for the past 6 years. I am undergoing photo-therapy. I have visited a homeopathy doctor and he has given me medicines and I am taking it for three months.

I am not sure if it would be curable. I have lost all hope I have and feeling very dejected. As for the diet, he says I should not take tomatoes, coffee, tea and dairy products. But I can’t follow the diet very strictly. Will you be coming to Chennai? I would like to meet you. Please give me an appointment. I would like to discuss with you in detail.

Dr Mukesh Batra: We have clinic in Chennai you can consult our doctors there .We will be happy to help you and find an answer to your problem .

Manoharan: I went to your Chennai branch and I am planning to take hair loss treatment. Is there any chance of side effect or any chance of hair growth? Will the tricologist go through my report or is it common for all?

Dr Mukesh Batra: There are 30-40 different types of hair loss and chances of growth depends upon the type of hair loss .There will be no side effects. Please consult our doctors they will certainly help you.

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