This princess of Oriya film industry is basking in the glory of completing eight years in Ollywood. With over 10 successful films,..

This princess of Oriya film industry is basking in the glory of completing eight years in Ollywood. With over 10 successful films, Varsha has come to be identified as an actor of substance. Making a debut in E Juga ra Krushna Sudama in 2004, Varsha is a hard worker and dreams of working with Mahasweta Ray some day. In a chat with Diana Sahu, she speaks about her evolution as an artiste.Audience matterThe response I have been getting from my audience has been great so far. Success is wonderful and it’s a good feeling when people recognise you wherever you go. I always put in my 100 per cent in whatever I do. I believe hard work and a good team also matter. In my case, I am lucky to have got the right mix of everything. Working in the industryOriya film industry has a charm of its own. It is  more like a family to me as people here do not believe in cut-throat competition and they respect you. It has also helped me grow so much as a person. Though the industry’s growth here has been slower than in any other part, we will also be getting there. In fact, there is still so much we can do. Creative concepts are the key. Regional cinemaI have been doing some Bengali cinema because I feel it’s more or less similar to our industry. I have been getting plenty of offers from Telugu and Chhattisagarhi film industries but I haven’t agreed to any of them till now due to family constraints. Competition factorI have been very comfortable in this industry till date as no one here believes in competition. Every one is a star in their own rights. As far as I am concerned, I have had the opportunity to work with almost everyone in the industry and do some meaningful roles as well.Dream roleI do not have any dream role as such but I do want to work with the legendary Mahasweta Ray. If I get a chance, that would be my dream come true.Hectic schedulesFinding time out for myself is rare. It is really tough, juggling between movies and personal life. It takes a lot of grit but you keep going. The rewards are satisfying. Your strengthMy strength is my observation. I always sit back and analyse my flaws. I make it a point to never look back. I have had setbacks in my life. I just pause to learn my lesson and move on.Next releaseI have just finished recording for Balunga Toka which is the second venture of Oscar Movies and scheduled to release this Dussehra. I play a confident, demure and educated girl in the movie. Then again I am shooting for some other productions but I cannot divulge the details right now.Indulgence in lifeI am a huge fan of Kareena Kapoor and Hrithik Roshan. So whenever I get time, I indulge myself in watching Bebo’s movies. This apart, I like chit-chatting with my sister and Maa. Beauty regimeI have no beauty regime and honestly, I do nothing to maintain myself. I am a big foodie and eat anything and everything, but I guess I am blessed to have a nice skin. I make it a point to sleep for eight hours, drink a lot of water and be happy in life.

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