Festive hangover continues in Hyderabad
Festive hangover continues in Hyderabad
Due to depleting stocks, several wine shops in the city had hiked their prices, but business continued to be brisk...

HYDERABAD: The twin cities were unusually lethargic on Friday, a day after Dasara. Several shops and establishments remained either closed or without customers and the traffic was thin on the roads. The festive hangover seems to be continuing well into the weekend.Surprisingly even wine shops wore a deserted look though the customer flow picked up in the evening. Excise employees belonging to Telangana have been on strike as part of the Sakala Janula Samme. As a result, several wine shop owners hiked the prices as the stocks dwindled.At the Banjara Hills, Raju, a wine shop owner, expressed the fear that if the strike dragged on, they would soon have to shut shop.“Our stocks are depleting. We do not know for how long the strike goes on,” he said. However, one of his customers, Ram, chipped in jovially: “No matter what the price, people love to celebrate holidays with alcohol.”Fearing shortage of stocks, wine shop owners like Raju are refusing to sell stocks in bulk. “People buy stuff in bulk during weekends. Now since we do not want to go out of stock, we are selling in limited quantities,” said Raju.Several consumers like Suresh, a software employee, have stocked up enough at home to party well into the weekend. “Who knows? They may hike the prices or there may liquor shortage,” he quipped.Big wine spots, however, appeared untouched by the strike. The difference in price tags though had some customers running from one spot to another.Ramesh, a student, who was on one such quest for moderately priced liquor, wondered, “we witness people protesting hikes in food prices, petrol etc.Have you ever seen people protesting because liquor prices are hiked?”Another seasoned consumer Anand added, “Prices normally vary from shop to shop, but who cares?”Difference in prices of liquor was evident across the city.A full bottle of Blenders Pride whisky ranged between Rs 650 and Rs 740 where as Bacardi premium rum ranged between Rs 600 and 640. Imperial Blue whisky crossed the minimum price of Rs 370 and a maximum of Rs 410. And a full of Teachers-50 scotch whisky ranged between Rs 1725 and 2000.

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