Docu on the untold history of Cochin Royalty
Docu on the untold history of Cochin Royalty
TRIPUNITHURA: The Cochin Royal Family Historical Society (CRHS) is all set to launch a documentary on the history of the royal fam..

TRIPUNITHURA: The Cochin Royal Family Historical Society (CRHS) is all set to launch a documentary on the history of the royal family spanning two centuries and spread all over the world, bringing to fruition a decade-long effort.History enthusiasts could get a clear view of the unwritten history of the Cochin state and its rulers through a flashback of history from the reign of Sakthan Thampuran (1751-1805). A formal announcement is expected at the 10th anniversary of the CRHS to be held on December 17 at Kalikotta Palace.“All through these 10 years we have been searching our ancient roots spread around the world,” said Dr Kocha Varma, the master brain behind the formation of the CRHS. While wandering all over the world to collect as much reliable information to mould our own history, we could experience many immortal moments, said Varma, who is a urologist in the United States. “All the memorable moments we witnessed were documented in video.“Now we are planning to edit these memories to create a visual documentation of the prestigious history of the Cochin royal family,” he said. As part of the 10th anniversary, a special symposium on the ancient tradition of Kerala will be presented. Dr Kocha Varma will deliver the introductory speech on the occasion. Athrassery Agnisarman Namboothiripad will present a paper on the ‘Perspectives on Early Brahmins, Kshathriyas and Nairs in Kerala’ at 10 am. M G S Narayanan will present a paper on the ‘Present Academic Overview of Ancient Kerala’.  A paper on ‘Konkanis and their Settlement in Kerala’ will be presented by Purushothama Mallayya in the afternoon session. S Narayanan will present a paper on ‘Embranthiris of Kerala.’

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