BHUBANESWAR: Assigning a top score of ‘I’ for performance of Orissa in achieving key health sector targets, the DFID has pledged ` 82 crore financial assistance programmes for improvement of drinking water, sanitation and hygiene facilities along with strengthening of family planning initiatives in the State.The DFID’s output-to purpose (OPR) 2011 on review of the Orissa Health Sector Plan (OHSP) has outlined the achievements in health sector and services delivery to accord the State with the highest performance rating within its system.The agency has now got into the process of designing a technical assistance programme of ` 41 crore to support implementation of water, sanitation and hygiene projects.It is also designing another ` 41 crore programme for a multistate family planning programme initiative on PPP mode, Health Department sources said.The DFID has also decided to revise the programme log frame for health care considering the State has already achieved targets for key indicators as antenatal care (ANC) and immunisation.The technical management support team will work with the Government in revising and finalising the log frame.Eleven of the 14 milestones or output level indicators for 2010-11 have been fully achieved.Infant mortality rate in the State has come down from 69 in 2007 to 62 per 1,000 live births in 2010.Maternal mortality rate has been reduced from 3030 in 2006 to 258 per 1,00,000 births in 2010.The demographic gradient has now flattened for many indicators with significant catch up by Scheduled Tribes for ANC, institutional delivery and immunisation, the agency noted.The Fiduciary Risk Assessment on September 11 of the Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has also noted the progress on monitoring, utilisation and internal audit in health and lowered the risk from “substantial to moderate.” The services delivery systems have undergone significant improvement with operationalisation of 81 first referral units in 30 districts.The 369 PHCs, CHCs and other sub-district facilities are extending round-theclock maternal and child healthcare services while vacancies in the level of doctors has been reduced by 13 per cent and nurses by 6 per cent.The share of primary health in total health sector spend has increased by 267 per cent between 2007-08 and 2010-11
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