Bommai Case Set Precedent for Quashing President's Rule
Bommai Case Set Precedent for Quashing President's Rule
Supreme Court's landmark verdict in SR Bommai case case limited constitutional power vested in the Centre to dismiss a State government.

New Delhi: The Supreme Court's landmark judgement in the SR Bommai vs Union Of India (1994) case sharply limited the constitutional power vested in the Central Government to dismiss a State government. The verdict overturned the tradition that use of Article 356 was not subject to review by courts.

Here are the highlights from that verdict:

-There is no dispute that the Proclamation issued under Article 356 is subject to judicial review.

-It can be challenged on the limited ground that the action is mala fide or ultra vires of Article 356 itself

-Objective material must exist showing the governance of the state cannot be carried on in accordance with provisions of the Constitution

-A wide literal construction of Article 356(1), will reduce the constitutional distribution of powers between the Union and the States to a licence dependent on the pleasure of the Union Executive.

-Wide construction will enable the Union Executive to cut at the root of the democratic parliamentary form of Government in the State

-Article 356 has a vital bearing on the democratic parliamentary form of government and the autonomy of the States under the federal constitution that we have adopted

-The Supreme Court or the High Court can strike down the Proclamation if it is found to be mala fide or based on wholly irrelevant or extraneous grounds.

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